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2010-07-14          172296

A couple of ideas I have

1) Create a bookmark feature that allows you to bookmark TP threads so that you could go to your profile page and see all of the Threads you bookmarked for reference.

2) Allow you to do social networking by creating a list of friends for each member so that only friends could exchange email etc.

Let me know your thoughts or other ideas


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2010-07-14          172302

Not bad ideas but I think this site has all sorts of features that I'm too lazy to find out about. Maybe an easy-to-click explanation window to instruct users what they are and how to work them.? ....

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2010-07-14          172303

Dennis, I like the first idea but could not the second one lead to closed groups excluding others?

If you are open to other ideas I wish the unanswered question box would show all unanswered as it is old questions can prevent new ones from showing. I have decide it is best to use the "newest posted" option rather than the boxes which I like better.

I for some strange reason like a "viewed" counter. ....

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2010-07-14          172306

I'm not the most computer savvy guy here and have no idea what a bookmark is and really no desire to learn, but I'm far in the minority here.

I have to agree with KT that creating closed loops of TP'ers getting off in a corner seems like other folks would say the HXXX with them snobs and go away.

Just my 1 cent's worth. ....

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2010-07-14          172307

Personally I think the site is fine the way it is. Anyone that wants to contact someone can (or should be able) do it simply by emailing through the site---which might I add doesn't work (I make a public announcement to have the member contact me---that works)

More than features I'd lke to see some guidelines for such things like how to post---like a good description of what they want instead of "help me". Or how to post a classified ad instead creating a new post. Describe your policy on advertising and what is considered spam.

Another necessity IMHO is some sort of notification that pops up to a respondent when a post becomes old---too many do not look at the date of the OP and then we have to let them know hey man, that was 10 years ago.


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2010-07-14          172308

Bookmarked, or "subscribed to" threads are a nice feature.

A feature I'd like a lot is the "show all new posts since last time I checked" feature.

It also seems that posting pictures is more difficult than it should be. It would be real nice to have the ability to browse to a picture on your local machine and then upload it and have it resized and appear inline in the post automatically.

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2010-07-15          172320

I really like Ken's suggestion on new since I was here. ....

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2010-08-06          172846

I think Kens' suggestion on directly uploading pix with the post is a good one. At first maybe just one pix per message though.

Also, I was just thinking we should have a feature that allows you to subscribe to forums you are interested in so that you can be sent an email when someone posts a new message in the subscribed forums. Thoughts ?


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2010-08-06          172857

I get enough email so receiving an email per post isn't something I'd like. For me the "pull" model works better than the "push" model.

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2010-08-06          172861

Originally Posted by kwschumm | view 172857
I get enough email so receiving an email per post isn't something I'd like. For me the "pull" model works better than the "push" model.

I used to have all the posts sent to my email, that is a nuisance. For those of us who frequent TP this is definitely not the way to go.

I was really thinking of members who only occasionally stop by and have an interest in say "Belarus" or "Chinese" tractors. Len Sheafer is an example, he would be notified that someone had a question on Yanmar parts via email alert instead of missing it due to his infrequent visits.

Members could subscribe to any forum, they would only be notified of the first message in a thread, this would reduce the message volume.

Dennis ....

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2010-08-07          172881

I think that would be a great idea. ....

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2010-08-07          172882

It really doesn't matter to me, my normal morning routine on the computer is to check my E-Mails, look for my name in the obits, check TP and a couple wood working sites. I'm pretty much interested in most anything that gets posted here so I'd have a pretty long list of favorites to E-Mail me about. ....

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2010-08-07          172883

Originally Posted by hardwood | view 172882
Dennis;It really doesn't matter to me, my normal morning routine on the computer is to check my E-Mails, look for my name in the obits........


You are too funny! You gave me a chuckle on that Obits comment. I think you gave me another idea for a feature, I will also send a text message to your cell phone, if you don't hear the little beep it makes in the AM, you don't need to check the obits! LOL

Dennis ....

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2010-08-08          172918

I already receive thread subscriptions and I like that feature so that is in place is it not? Perhaps an "opt out" feature would simplify matters for those that do not want to follow a thread they post in.

Another thing that may help TP would be to install a link to other accounts such as Facebook. This allows stuff posted here to be automatically posted to our profile there if we so choose. ....

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