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2013-05-23          187047

Hi Dennis and gang. Just wanted to let you all know that I am recovering from heart surgery. If anyone wants some pointers, all I can say is, don't cough, sneeze or laugh! God bless you all :)

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OUCH this hurts

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2013-05-23          187051

Originally Posted by cutter | view 187047
Hi Dennis and gang. Just wanted to let you all know that I am recovering from heart surgery. If anyone wants some pointers, all I can say is, don't cough, sneeze or laugh! God bless you all:)

I'm really sorry to hear that.. but maybe it's good to hear because it could have been worse. Was the surgery an unexpected surprise or was it a long time coming?

I hope you have someone there to take good care of you and are quick to recover because your family and friends (and tractor!) need you :)

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2013-05-24          187054

God speed your recovery, heart surgery has advanced by leaps and bounds in the past couple decades.
I had an Uncle Lawrence who was one of rhe very first open heart surgery patients at the University of Iowa Hospital sometime in the mid 1950's. It was considered risky at the time but likely routine now. He was about 50 at the time and lived to be 94.

Frank. ....

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2013-05-24          187058

I pray all goes well Cutter. No doubt it has raised the importance of time with loved ones and all you want to share with them.

Had a good friend who had heart surgery and will share a warning from his: be careful about auto accidents. He was tee boned before fully healed and it was worse on him than the surgery. ....

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2013-05-24          187059

Thanks guys, all went well, had one of the best surgeons in the country. This is all genetic for me, runs in the family, but I figured given my diet and exercise that I would escape the inevitable LOL! ....

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2013-05-24          187060


Hope you have a speedy recovery.....!

I am in the midst of discovering how much of a Prostate problem I have. Find out the results from the biopsy next week ... ouch :(

Dennis ....

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2013-05-24          187061

Dennis, most of us will die with prostate cancer. With it, not from it.

That is, even if the specimen is positive, it usually grows so slowly there that you get plenty of time to die from old age. Hardly stopped Rudy Giuliani from wanting to run for president. And if it's the rare aggressive kind, there are lots of effective treatments.

Good luck. ....

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2013-05-24          187062

Yep, seen that as the norm Dennis. It is quite curable and/or controllable. Good luck and don't worry, it IS in God's hands. ....

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2013-05-24          187063

Originally Posted by cutter | view 187062
.... Good luck and don't worry, it IS in God's hands.

I hear you... like you I had been doing exercise, eat healthy, lost 30 pounds, back to 32 waist, 155 cholesterol, reduce blood pressure without meds ....

But .....

"Man plans and God laughs." ....

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2013-05-24          187064

Isn't that the truth! ....

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2013-06-03          187172

Heart issues are killers. Cancer is a killer. Just one is kinda quick and clean.

Diet and exercise will hopefully prolong the inevitable. Trust me I am still down the 60+ lbs. Was down 75 but exercise, weights, bicycling have put 10+ of lean on me. That requires a certain amount of calories to maintain. Problem I see with that or either the body adjusted is the sugar ha crept up a little.

The good news is I can run longer farther and a tad faster each month. Bicycle on Sat am 35+ miles usually 2.5 to 4 hours depending on how far I go.

Anyways where I was going with all this is: Recovery is a good thing take your time and monitor your heart rates while exercising. Prevention is better but if it's gonna happen being in shape helps more with recovery. ....

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2013-06-03          187177

Harvey sounds like you are doing great! Keep it up.

I had to lay off mountain biking last couple of weeks with the prostate biopsy. Out this weekend for Saturday and Sunday, a little slow at first but I 'll get back the speed!

Biopsy was normal... thank God! Now need to monitor PSA ....


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2013-06-03          187181

Cycling causes lots of problems for men. The normal bike seat cuts off circulation to the boys down under. Suggest you get a new seat; either the easy seat or easy seat II. It feels kinda weird at first. You actually sit on your hip bones and the center section is cut away.

Some years back I injured one of the boys and it had an infection that caused PSA readings upward of 6. My normal is 0 to 1/2. It took almost a year of heavy antibiotics to fix the problem. ....

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2013-06-03          187195

Speaking of "OUCH this hurts..." LOL

I know what you're talking about though Pete, landing on the deck of a carrier involves stopping a ~50,000 pound aircraft doing ~150 mph in less than 2 seconds.

Guess where the bottom straps of the restraint harness are.......

Glad to hear you're doing better Cutter.

Best of luck. ....

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2013-06-25          187497

Hi Cutter,

What is your exercise program like ? ....

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