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Coke or Pepsi in Cans Versus Bottles

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2003-11-26          69694

I was talking to two of my neighbors the other day and both of them said that in each of their homes that they prefer coke or Pepsi in a can rather than a plastic bottle.

Their preference is so strong that if they only have bottles left over from a party, they won't drink it, and will drive out to get the canned version.

I have no preference one way or the other, I only like the plastic because it is resealable.

I drink more of the stuff than I should, has anyone else come across this bit of trivia?

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Coke or Pepsi in Cans Versus Bottles

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2003-11-26          69696

Some how there is a slight difference in taste between plastic and aluminum due to percieved lower temp. of drinking from an aluminum can or so the theory goes. I have a buddy that will not drink his beer from bottles.....only from a can. He says it taste better from a can. Can chill faster too. I prefer cans unless we are having a large group over and then use the plastic bottles. The soda goes flat pretty fast even if you reseal it. ....

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Coke or Pepsi in Cans Versus Bottles

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2003-11-26          69698

My employees are real particular... if you put it in front of them they drink it.

Seriously, the crowd is split between Coke & Pepsi, the coke guys won't drink Pepsi and vice-versa, there's always an ice chest full of both (and LOTS of cold water, too) on every job.

However, I have doscovered that they won't drink pop from a can WHILE working, only a bottle. The logic is that a bottle cap keeps out the ever present dust. Besides, if they're on a machine closing the lid keeps it from splashing over everything, and believe me, dried pop full of dust is nasty stuff, it turns into a sort of tar-like substance.

Best of luck. ....

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Coke or Pepsi in Cans Versus Bottles

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2003-11-26          69715

Bottles are much better on Tractors and in cars for all the reasons mentioned already. But otherwise, for some reason I seem to like the cans better. Maybe its the cold feel of the can if you aren't going to let it sit around and get warm.

On a side note, except for the sub-compacts most tractors don't seem to have drink holders including the Kubota B7800.

I was thinking about a swinging style drink holder from a boating supply house, but I don't really want to drill the ROPS to mount it. My 1st idea is a few hose clamps holding a board in place and screw the mount to that.

I bet many other board members have already found good working solutions to this problem.

How about some other ideas for me to choose from?

Thanks in advance.

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Coke or Pepsi in Cans Versus Bottles

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2003-11-26          69720

Plastic bottles leave a little to be desired. If water become warm in the bottle then I can taste the release agent from the bottle. The material is non toxic but? I have found that reuse makes it better but not something the drink companies do.
Similarly the older plastic coatings on the cans would impart a taste from the coating. I have never compared canned water so I am not sure how bad it is relatively. I believe the coating have improved as they have higher solids and likely UV cure today. I could taste it in beer so stick to the glass bottles.
Like anything you can get accustomed to the taste and then think it adds to the flavour. As I work in plastics I know what the materials are and am not to keen to flavour my food with them. ....

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Coke or Pepsi in Cans Versus Bottles

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2003-11-26          69735

We buy all our soda in cans and all our beer in bottles. Nobody in our house cares for soda in plastic bottles. Especially those stupid 2-liter bottles that lose carbonation after pouring a single glass. The only way to drink a beer is in frozen mugs and pilsner glasses, and we have a freezer full of those.

And, many or most JD CUTs have cupholders that work great. I usually pour a soda into a no-spill travel mug with ice and it's good to go. ....

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Coke or Pepsi in Cans Versus Bottles

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2003-11-26          69740

Aside from the issue of Coke or Pepsi.........I perfer either one with LOTS of ice and Captain Morgan "seasoned" to taste. ;-) ....

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