3120 ehydro or 3320 Pwr Reverser
Join Date: Dec 2005 Posts: 6 Atmore, Alabama |
2006-01-03 122187
Hello to all, Thanks for the input on my previous questions. I am about to order my new Deere this coming weekend and I am still a little unsure which one I should get. I am debating between the 3120 ehydro and the 3320 Power Reverser. (About the same price) Will the 3120 have all the power I need for the loader and my 5ft. Woods Brush Bull. I have never used a loader before, can someone tell if the 3320 with the power reverser will be OK for this? I know the P/R will be OK for all of my other needs. The extra few HP on the 3320 is tempting, will I really notice the small difference? HP, Transmissions, to many questions for someone leaving an old 601 workmaster.
Thanks everyone,
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3120 ehydro or 3320 Pwr Reverser
Join Date: Dec 2002 Posts: 3583 iowa |
2006-01-03 122192
Bigbouey; I don't have any experience with the "20 Series" Deere tractors, but have lots of seat time on "10 Series" with power reversers, probably half of the total hours doing loader work. If I were to buy a new one today it would again be a power reverser, I just can't imagine anything being more comfortable to work with. I've demoed hydros but just never liked them as well, they just don't have the solid feeling of gears to me. I'm sure I'll be shot down by the hydro folks, but I'd take the extra power of the bigger tractor with the power reverser at the same cost in an eyeblink. Enjoy which ever you choose. Frank. ....
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3120 ehydro or 3320 Pwr Reverser
Join Date: Feb 2002 Posts: 689 Western,Pa. |
2006-01-03 122205
I'm with hardwood. I would also take the bigger/more HP tactor with the power reverser for the same cost of a lower HP hydro.. ....
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3120 ehydro or 3320 Pwr Reverser
Join Date: Feb 2003 Posts: 5764 NW Oregon Pics |
2006-01-03 122207
I wouldn't hesitate to own either one but I do like the eHydro . One consideration you might have - who else will use this tractor? If your wife or kids use it you might like the ease of use of the hydro. ....
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3120 ehydro or 3320 Pwr Reverser
Join Date: Jan 2004 Posts: 1413 Northern Michigan Pics |
2006-01-04 122233
I own a 27HP CUT with hydro. There are a few instances that a few more HP would be nice like when using a single bottom plow. The JD e-hydro is nicer than mine because it will down shift under heavy loads like when you are ramming into a pile of dirt to strike a full bucket. With mine (3 range hydro), I'm in mid-range to get speed going to and away from a pile of dirt or stone. I need to manually downshift to low range to be able to strike a full bucket. (Mid-range don't have enough spunk). The hydro operation is really easy and versatile when mowing around objects.
If you have never driven a stick shift in a car or truck nor a tractor, a hydro may be better.
My next tractor more than likely will be a JD. If so, it will be a hard decision between the e-hydro and power reverser.
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3120 ehydro or 3320 Pwr Reverser
Join Date: Jul 2004 Posts: 955 Central Iowa Pics |
2006-01-05 122281
I say to consider what your PRIMARY uses of the tractor will be. If mowing in basically straight lines, then the P/R will be fine. But if you need to mow around a bunch of obstacles like trees, outbuildings, etc, then the hydro would be more flexible.
If you are primarily doing heavier loader work, then the P/R may be better. I'm got a 4310 hydro and have not lacked for power with the loader. But the hydro is awesome for mowing. It's also easy for my wife to use and any guests I have. In fact, it's so nice easy, my guests often volunteer to mow for me.
Look at you application and then decide. Tight spaces - hydro. More open, hard implement work - P/R. ....
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3120 ehydro or 3320 Pwr Reverser
Join Date: Dec 2005 Posts: 6 Atmore, Alabama |
2006-01-05 122305
Thank you everyone, The more I hear the more I think I will go with the 3320 with the Ehydro. I still want every opinion out there, so keep em coming.
David ....
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3120 ehydro or 3320 Pwr Reverser
Join Date: Jun 1999 Posts: 528 Franklin, Maine Pics |
2006-01-05 122315
With the hydro you are always in the right gear. If you ever get an attachment that demands your attention then having a hydro is one less thing you have to worry about.
I have a JD 4700 hydro. I also have a grapple/rake on my loader. Doing exacting work with the grapple takes concentration and with a hydro I don't have to worry about shuttle shifting with a power reverser
With a hydro when you let up on the peddle (Forward or reverse) you stop even on uneven ground and can change directions with the touch of your foot. With a power reverser if you go into neutral you have to put your foot on the brake to stop (it's something you have to think about) not with a hydro.
Just MHO
David ....
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3120 ehydro or 3320 Pwr Reverser
Art White
Join Date: Jan 2000 Posts: 6898 Waterville New York Pics |
2006-01-06 122355
Yooper, you can't fill the bucket with what type of dirt and stone in middle range? I would find it hard to believe you couldn't. ....
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3120 ehydro or 3320 Pwr Reverser
Join Date: Jan 2004 Posts: 1413 Northern Michigan Pics |
2006-01-09 122467
RE: downshifting from mid-range to low-range to get my FEL bucket full struck in stone crete or hard clay soil. That is by driving staight into a pile and maintaining the loader height skimming just above the ground.
In mid-range, I usually can get it only about 3/4 struck before it begins to bogg down and run out of HP. At about that time the hydro has gotten fronts and back to slightly spin and that also poos out. I've always said my tractor could use about another 5 HP. Cadet replaced my 7275 model with 7305 which went from 27 to 30 HP. My neighbor traded in the 7275 (which I got) for the 7305 through our local dealer. He said the extra 3 HP did make a difference. ....
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3120 ehydro or 3320 Pwr Reverser
Join Date: Jul 2004 Posts: 955 Central Iowa Pics |
2006-01-09 122471
Hmmm... I was heavily torn between the 4310 and the 4410 when I was tractor shopping. I wanted the extra 3 hp, but couldn't justify the $$ the Deere dealership wanted. So far I haven't needed the extra hp, but I've had a few close ones where the extra 3 hp would have been nice. sigh... I couldn't justify $2k for 3 hp.
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3120 ehydro or 3320 Pwr Reverser
Join Date: Oct 2005 Posts: 5275 South Carolina Pics |
2006-01-09 122478
It may make sense or not but going from 27 to 30 hp is not just a 3 hp increase, it is also a 10% increase. Humm.
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