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2003-12-30          72746

We got a new puppie a couple of months ago, and at the time we sprayed all the exposed power cords with bitter apple and tied them up so she couldn't chew on them. Then comes Christmas and a tree and lights. Well, on the 26th she chewed on the electric cord to the tree. We saw the lights blink off and ran over to see what happened - and the puppie was limp on the floor with eyes open, not breathing, no detectable heartbeat, and the smell of burned flesh was heavy. We began to massage her chest and I gave her mouth-to-nose resuscitation. After a minute she blinked once and then began to breathe shallowly. We raced her to the emergency pet hospital and they told us that 80% of electrocuted dogs don't make it. Well we were part of the lucky 20% since it looks like she will. I guess this is a reminder to everyone that if you have a chewing puppie you need to keep those electrical cords out of reach.

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2003-12-30          72749

Glad to hear things turned out for the best. I can imagine how your heart must have sunk when you saw her laying there. Dogs do the darndest things sometimes. ....

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2003-12-31          72765

I had a few plug-in GFI's I used in the sound buz for AC on outdoor stages. GFI's help but they wouldn't have helped the pup if it got across both wires and wasn't grounded as well. It's a common misconception that GFI's are guarantees against electrocution. Glad to hear the pup is OK. ....

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Art White
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2003-12-31          72766

Lucky you were there to see the lights flicker! ....

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2003-12-31          72774

Happy to hear everything turned out OK, it's a lousy time of year for something to go bad, not that there's a good time of year for it.

I learned a little about more electricity too this week, 'old dogs' CAN learn new tricks.

If you have leather welding gloves, don't try to use them after they've gotten wet.

I know it sounds dumb, but it was just one of those 'blonde moments', my wife pulled her car around to the shop and asked me to do something outside in the rain for a moment, I went back in to resume welding (pictures coming soon) and picked up the electrode with one hand while holding the grounded work with the other.

Luckily it was nothing more than a strong tingle, but it sure got my attention......

A safe & prosperous New Year to all my e-friends....

Best of luck. ....

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2003-12-31          72788

She had completely chewed through one conductor and her mouth took it's place. She was on the wood floor so probably wasn't grounded. There are a few divots out of her tongue that probably won't come back and she will lose a couple of teeth but they are still baby teeth. I'm shopping for plug-in GFIs, just in case, but I see what Tom is saying. There's no substitute for getting the cords out of the way though. ....

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