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2003-12-13          71074

Well I don't know if I should be commited( to a hospital that is), but the wife signed off and I signed the paper work for a TC33D with 7308 FEL and 60" MMM. Said they would delivery next week, But I had to delay the delivery about 4 days to next Monday the 22nd ( Man that was a tough decision ) I have to work next week and just can't get the time off. So here is the final 19,100 + tax delivered to my door. So, will someone please tell me I did OK.
I do want to THANK all those for their feedback,( the list of names is just to long), you guys and gals made this process alot easier by saving alot of time researching and having to ask what does that mean, not only by responding to my Posts, but everyone who has made posts ( not that I think I will every be able to read them all) There is just an unbelievable amount of useful ( and some useless, yet humorous ) information here. Thanks Again.
Looks like it is going to be a very very good Chirstmas. Happy Holidays to all and again Thank you.

Oh and by the way, I have no plans to tatoo my back side blue. I think all the tractors I looked at had +/-'s. the NH just had all the right +'s and price for me.

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2003-12-13          71075

Congrats on the new tractor! That price looks to be in the ballpark from what I remember of my shopping days. I almost went with a TC33D instead of my JD 4310. The quality of the dealership was the biggest factor for me. I'm sure you'll enjoy the tractor immensely. Be sure to check all the bolts when it arrives, especially the lug bolts, and check 'em every 10 hours or so thereafter for the first 50 hours. Also, there have been a few reports of battery acid causing corrosion in the front of the radiator so keep an eye on that. Not a big deal if you watch for it. ....

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2003-12-13          71076

Congratulations on the tractor! Signing on the dotted line is always a big decission and requires that last final gulp to make the choice. Sounds like a mighty nice Christmat present to me! Enjoy and if you want to tatto something........tatto a reminder to (in my case forehand) remember to fold DOWN the ROPS BEFORE you park it in the garage. Ask me how I know???? ;o) ....

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2003-12-13          71077

Good choice! Now start shopping for implements :-)
Bill ....

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2003-12-13          71078

Congrats on the new machine. I see you decided to make the jump to a 33 HP tractor. Why did you make the leap for the larger machine?? ....

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2003-12-13          71079

Why the larger machine? I know I was looking at the TC 24 and 4115. But I talked with some local friends and some other horse owners and got alot of feedback on the " You can really have too much power, but you can very easily not have enough and with time at a premium, more HP made sense. So then the jump was up to the TC 29 and JD 4210. Well I called the local dealers and also called Corriher to get prices. Had settled on the TC29 after one more test ride, when the dealer had to hang that carrot in front of me and tell me that the TC33D was there biggest seller and hence they got a better deal due to quantity purchased. Anyway to make a long story short. The 33 is the same frame/wheel base size with just a few more HP and the few more HP was a difference of only $350 between the 29D and 33D. JD was just not in the price range and like so many before me have said " The dealer made the difference" ....

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2003-12-13          71080

Boy your really must have been a good boy this year!!!!
Now if you can just get a large dump of snow you will be ready for a blue and white Christmas. ....

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2003-12-13          71081

I didn't contribute anything to your decision/dilemna, but congratulations on your new tractor! Sounds like you did a good deal, and I'm sure it'll serve you well. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures! ....

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2003-12-13          71085

Which dealer did you go with? Did you get your hats????!!!
I don't blame you, I would have went with the extra HP too!! I guess you must have watched some old re-runs of Tim Allen!!!! ....

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2003-12-13          71088

I don't know if I was a good boy or if I am going to have to be a good boy, but there are definitely not going to be any excuses good enough not get stuff on the Honey do list done anymore.
Kubotaguy: I went to Antietam, Justin even beat out Corriher on the price even with Taxes, Yes I got a hat and a toy NH tractor for my son. He wanted to give me the TC33 Model, but they were out. So I got the TS 135 diecast tractor w/ cab. My son loved it, Oh yead and a NH 2004 Calendar. I almost felt bad for Justin as I had my wife ( who by the way is an Irish Red head ) do the wheeling and dealing, while I played Mr Mom chasing my son around the show room floor. I am not to proud to admit that. I am pretty much a softy and an easy pushover when it comes to buying toys, I mean tools. She on the other hand.. Well lets just say got a lower price then I did.:-) ....

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2003-12-13          71094

I told you Justin would take care of you. It was probably better to delay the delivery that way you will have plenty of time to play and not have the "24 hour bug". Maybe your wife should do some consulting on getting deals. She gets half of what she saves someone when negotiating for a tractor. You could have the tractor paid for in no time.

I bet you wish you had it with the white stuff moving in tonight. I just fueled mine up and it is ready to go except I'm still lazy and didn't put the chains on yet. What kind of tires did you go with? Did you get the chains? As far as the price, I think you did real well and as long as you feel that you got a fair shake, that is all that matters. ....

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2003-12-14          71112

YEs, I woke up this morning to a few inches of snow and thought, man if I only did this last week I would be able to play today, But I am glad I waited and did the leg work and research. I am sure there will be plenty more snow days to come this year, and even if not, as soon as this round of snow melts off and the ground is frozen, I am having 20 tons of stone dust delivered to clean up the shed and around the water trough for the horses. Plenty of things to do once she ( my tractor ) gets here. And Yes I think Justin was good and I did get a fair deal. Thank you ....

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