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How to deal with Kudzu

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2003-09-27          64949

Does anyone have any experience cutting Kudzu? I have 2 acres of a lot that is covered with it. I was thinking of just cutting it with a bush hog after the first frost but have been told by a couple of people that cutting it is pure torture and that it is easier to bulldoze it. Problem is I don't want a 20ft pile of it to deal with later. Any ideas?

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How to deal with Kudzu

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2003-09-28          65028

I have not heard of any effective method of dealing with it. I guess you can spray but I am sure it will return. Consider buying a Hiefer or goat? ....

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How to deal with Kudzu

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2003-10-03          65489

Perhaps let the frost kill it and burn it.

Best time to mow it is in the spring just after it starts growing. Be ready to mow it once a week. Once it matures, those little hairs will choke you to death.

To kill it, plow it every 2-3 weeks until it quits sprouting. That may take a long time. ....

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How to deal with Kudzu

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2003-10-03          65495

Doesn't Roundup herbicide work on Kudzu? You would have to be careful, but it kills every plant that I know about. It degrades when it hits the soil, so it will not get unsprouted seeds, but it will get into the roots and kill runners. ....

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How to deal with Kudzu

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2003-10-04          65570

Question is, will it kill those large tubers? I think it may, but would have to be used very concentrated and very often. I think the wild sheep and goat solution is sounding cheaper. :-) ....

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How to deal with Kudzu

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2003-10-04          65571

I don't know about kudzu but I kill all kinds of weeds with a mixture of roundup and scythe. this stuff is potent on a hot day you can watch the weeds shrival and die. Much faster than roundup alone. ....

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How to deal with Kudzu

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2003-10-04          65588

I have never used scythe. Is that another brand of herbicide or some kind of enhancing agent? ....

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How to deal with Kudzu

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2004-01-09          73593

Around here which is the Kudzo of West Tn the ol farmers have a saying"The only way to get rid of Kudzo is to move off and leave it for someone else."
I have used various poisons all with some effect but if it is deep rooted it is impossible to poison. By deep rooted I mean having large nodes ( 20 lbs and up) down 20-30 deep.
When poisoning the top runners and leaves can be knocked back to clear gound but they will return. After several years of agressive poisoning the leaves will still come back but be very small and misshaped. Hard to even recognize as Kudzu.
I tried for four years to clear a 1/2 acre hillside and finall just planted it thick with Ky-31 and mowed it every week. I had used so much poison that it was hard to get a stand of grass. When I moved away after several years it still had Kudzo growing in places. Lots of luck. ....

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How to deal with Kudzu

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2004-01-10          73598

Glyphosphate mixed with a surfactant, later followed up with a mix of annual rye and a hardy annual grass seed suitable for your area. If it is on a steep slope; you may want to consider paying to have it hydro-seeded. ....

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How to deal with Kudzu

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2004-01-10          73673

I know RoundUp and similar is glyphosphate based. What is surfactant? Is there a specific product? I have mowed and scraped the surface of most of the vines. I have also pulled all of the vines from the perimeter trees. I was planning on just mowing every 5 days or so followed by a fall seeding. Some chemical may help. ....

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How to deal with Kudzu

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2004-01-10          73674

A surfactant is used to break the surface tension of the mixture to aid absorbtion by the plant. I've got a bottle but the label fell off a long time ago so I can't tell you the brand. It's not hard to find, though. In my experience any gardening center will have it. ....

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