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Not fun Insurance Nightmare

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2003-08-01          60685

I live in California and might have to change that, selling everything and leaving the state.

I have a 2001 chevy express and a newly purchased 1985 F350 stakebed.

Before purchasing the stakebed, I called my insurance company (auto Club) who assured me I can insure an F350 (they will insure 1 ton max) as an auto (I plan on using it primarily for personal purposes), and I also called Progressive insurance to get a quote on commercial insurance. I was warned by them not to go 'over' 10,000 gvw as that would require increased liability (750k) under california law. So I buy my truck listed as GVW of 6,000-10,000 lb, and suddenly auto club sends me a notice that they cant insure 1 ton trucks, and I call progressive and they say under california law that any truck with a GVW of "10K or over" requires the increased coverage. I plan on using this truck about twice a month to haul light material and rubbish, and to move my belongings upstate. This 750k insurance runs about $5000 a year.

My options are to pay the money, leave the state, or sell the truck and lose the 2500 above the purchase price I've put into it since I bought it three weeks ago, plus 400 a month in insurance while I try to sell it.

Does anyone have any advice? I can't afford to pay this insurance rate. My bond has tripled over the last three years, workers comp is going through the roof, and I'm already losing customers to guys who work under the radar (mostly not even US citizens), because they work cheaper (Gee, wonder how they can afford to do that?). I also found out that because of the wonderful financial policies of Gray Davis, my registration for the two vehicles will be almost $2000 next year. (december and feb)

Is it possible to rent an apartment or buy some cheap land in another state and then register/insure my vehicles there? Is it possible to get the GVW of a truck "reduced"? Any ideas?

I'm at the end of my rope. California is becoming very unfriendly to business owners between it's beaurocratic and social engineering policies. I see why they're all leaving.

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Not fun Insurance Nightmare

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2003-08-01          60688

I doubt that CA thinks that it is legal, but there were all kinds of people that had places and registered their vehicles in OR or NV. I lived in Orange County for the better part of 20 years. I left in 1998 because I did not like the direction the state was going at that time. ....

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Not fun Insurance Nightmare

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2003-08-01          60696

I actually shut down my business there in 1998 after a large company bought the business and didn't want to conduct business in CA. That amounted to over 200 jobs that were lost to the state when that happened.

There are some CA laws, if I remember correctly, that you have to get a CA driver license within ten days of living in the state and you are supposed to get your vehicles registered there in less than a year. This is problematic no matter how you look at it. It certainly throws up a flag if you have your CA DL and are driving a vehicle registered to you with OR or NV plates. You don't even have to be a bad driver to run into this problem, because if someone hits you, you will also have your documents checked. Insurance is another problem in that the rates you pay reflect the normal location of the vehicle. If you get insurance as if you lived in Stateline NV and you really keep the vehicle in LA, your insurance company may not pay a claim or may consider this to be insurance fraud.

There is only one really good solution and unfortunately that is to leave. The financial problems due to the Davis deficit are just beginning to surface and even recalling him will not correct the damage already done. You will also find that college tuition and other "fees" are going to be raised to pay for the shortfall. As people leave to avoid these fees, the costs are going to rest more heavily on the remaining "working" population. Your electricity is also likely to cost well above the prevailing market in the west for the next twenty years.

I have shot targets and hunted for many years. I decided to leave when they closed much of the desert, where I used to roam, to vehicle traffic. (you don't see many desert hikers without a gas can in their hands.) Now many of my gun owning friends want to store their guns with me, because the laws are defining more guns as unacceptable every year. The list of problems goes on.

I do wish you the best of luck, but I cannot see a very good future in California. You will run into companies "running under the radar" just about anywhere. Unless things have changed, there is no personal income tax in either NV or AZ, so there is an automatic boost of about 10%.


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Not fun Insurance Nightmare

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2003-08-01          60701

I agree about California. I lived there and ran a business from 78-84, and again from 90-93. The decline in business friendlyness was very noticable from the 80's to the 90's, and the direction of the political winds are clear. I wouldn't go back to CA to run a business for anything. Now all the Californians who find it oppressive there are coming to Oregon and the same thing will be happening here. It's like a disease, and it's spreading.

By the way, I grew up and lived in AZ for 27 years and paid personal income tax the entire time.

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2003-08-01          60703

Resistance is futile; you will be assimilated! ....

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jeff r
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2003-08-02          60768

HMMMMm Guys,

Seems like CA is a perfect example of failed Democratic fiscal policies. Never met a democrat yet who didn't want more taxes to fund a worthless program for lazy people I didn't care for. Why is it a democrat always thinks he is sent by God to help the disadvantaged by reaching into my wallet to fund it????? If you say anything about it you are automatically branded as a right wing robber baron that would take food from a baby. I have no use U.S. Democratic CA Senators Dianne "NOT SO FIEN" Stien. Barbara BOXknife, and Michigan's democratic bozos Carl "overpaid" Leven and Debbie "StabandGouge" Stabinow. As I have said before, the failed liberal direction of the democrats are the closest thing to anarchy. ....

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2003-08-02          60771

Jeff, glad to see I am not the only one who feels like that about Diane Frankenstien, and Barbara The Knife Boxer. Ain't great to be able to post like this? It is starting to get like this all over the country. No way I would consider a business with more employees than myself. Just not worth the hastle. ....

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Not fun Insurance Nightmare

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2003-08-02          60787

JeffR, you're are absolutely right.

Interestingly, I read an article in the paper the other day about the CA Democrats. They were having a strategy session and left a microphone open, broadcasting to speakerphones around the capitol. They were discussing the viability of (get this) intentionally PROLONGING the CA fiscal crisis to soften up the public for a tax increase.

Unbelievable - all they want is your money, nothing else matters. I'm sure people will continue to vote them into office though.

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Not fun Insurance Nightmare

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2003-08-02          60789

Barbara Boxer is one of the scariest politicians I've ever seen. She was recently quoted as saying that abortions should be made legal for up to two months after the child is born.

Don't be so sure about the voters. I've been singing the warnings about the democratic party ever since I switched from jackass to pachyderm many years back. Most of my middle of the road democrat friends have looked at me as if I'm crazy for years. In the last couple of years I see a major shift in attitudes among these average working class Americans. Many of them voted Republican in the last election even though they are registered dems. I see even more of this trend three years later.

They really are bginning to see how they've been manipulated by the media (because the media is now sooo blatant about it all) for years, and how things really are getting out of control.

In the last national election, the democrats were largely spanked by the american people for their leanings to the radical left. Did they get the message? No they placed an even more radical liberal in charge as leader of the minority.

I think (hope) that they are about to get an even louder message in the coming couple of years.

Unfortunately, the branch of government that scares me the most is the judicial branch who now see it as their duty to usurp power from the legislative branch of government. If balance is not restored to the judiciary, we are in for some very sad turns in the direction of american policy and freedom for it's citizens.

For the first time in the history of the US, democratic senators are fillibustering presidential jusdiciary nominations, keeping the senate from their constitutional duty of voting on these recommended judgeships. A small group of liberal senators are misusing their commitee status to determine who will be judges and who will not by using strongarm tactics with President Bushs' nominations.

Senator Schumer and Leahy have publicly stated that if you are Christian, Conservative, or Pro-Life, you are not fit to serve as a jusdge in the United States.

53 US congressmen and women are now openly practicing socialists, and their goals of wealth redistribution are now painfully clear. It amazes me that after watching the dismal failure of every socialist government that ever existed, they still plan to do this to the most successful system in the history of the world.

I'm so sick and tired of the liberal media bashing the US overseas, causing much of the free world to think that America is the problem on this planet and that we just throw our weight around. Never before has a country with so much power showed so much restraint. If we were about power and domination, we could have had the entire word under our boot heel immediately after WWII and could do it even more easily now. We have bailed country ater country out of trouble from dictators who subjugate them, and all we have ever asked for in return is a little land to bury our dead soldiers.

I think that the last election has been very revealing in how divided america is right now, and I blame the radical left for this. Like Hitler, they are in the schools trying to brainwash the youth of America into doing as it's told, all the while having them believe they are thinking for themselves.

This war has exposed a lot in how the liberals really are, how CNN, BBS, Reuters, and AP have all been turning the world against the US, and I see alot of people getting sick and tired of the whiner Dems. I'm hoping they express themselves very pointedly in the next big election, and I hope that it starts with the resounding ass booting of Mr. Davis.

Sorry for the all over the map rant, but this is a subject very close to my heart.. ....

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2003-08-02          60792

DeTwang, well said! Not sure if I have seen you here before but welcome none the less! The next election should indeed be very interesting. This country is approaching a critical fork in the road and direction this country takes will have lasting implications for decades if not more. ....

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2003-08-02          60795

DeTwang, you read my mind with the exception of your optimistic view of the American voters. I hope you're right and I'm wrong, but since liberals have control of the public schools I see them brainwashing an entirely new generation of voters. ....

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jeff r
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2003-08-02          60796


The judicial branch is truly an unchecked, out-of-control branch of U.S. goverment. Founding Fathers only gave 2 checks on the appointment of 9 Supreme court Justices. They are appointed for life by the president and approved by 51 the U.S. Senators. If you don't like the decisions of 5 justices TOO DAMN BAD.

A classic case of SUPREME COURT corruption concerns the sealing of the Kennedy Assination reports to the year 2025. What can you do???? Nothing. JudicIAL GODS HAVE SPOKEN TO THE LITTLE PEOPLE.

We get a shot at the U.S. Representatives every 2 years. We get a crack at the Preseident every 4 years. We get a swing at the US Senator every 6 years. BUT WHEN IT COMES TO A SUPREME COURT JUSTICE THE VOTING PUBLIC HAS TO DEAL WITH THEM JACKASSES LIKE HERPES....FOREVER. As far as I'm concerned "appointed for life justices" are nothing BUT JUDICIAL DICTATORS. Appointed for life terms have NO place in a representative democracy. The American people Have no way short of assination to rid themselves of 9 dictators of which the have to live with their assinine judicial decisions FOREVER. Any decision that are made by the Supreme Court can be JUSTIFIED EITHER WAY by a legal opinion. A smart DOG could do it.

They is no right or wrong or consideration for the millions of people that have to live by your 5 dictatorial concurring justices decisions. No wonder why the minority political party fights to the death at Supreme court nominations. Get a predictable justice giving concurring legal opinions against your party idealogy and you are screwed forever. When will these Ivy league clods realize the solution to the problem is SIMPLE? SET a term for the supreme Court Justices maybe 10 years just like any other judge. NAH...thats too simple. Then if a justice is making live miserable for the PEOPLE, the PEOPLE only have to deal with him 10 years just like all the rest of elected public servants. ....

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2003-08-02          60800

The problem is that if they had to fight for their jobs, then they would start making decisions based on political winds instead of the rule of law.

If the liberals would allow the constitution to work and the president could nominate his judges, balance could be restored to the judiciary.

As it is now, the liberals are appointing judges who base their decisions on personal ideology as opposed to the rule of law. And then they prevent those with opposite views from appointing judges, The result is extreme imbalance, and only one view is represented.

This is why it so important to vote during presidential (and congressional) elections and to understand what the ideology and worldviews of the candidate you are voting for are. He will be appointing judges to positions for life. This is a crucial role of the president and the number one factor I am concerned with in deciding who I will vote for.

I believe that the constitution is a devinely inspired document that will only work as long the devine is kept in it. Otherwise it just becomes another tool of corruption for men who will raise themselves above God.

Democracy only works when it is used to govern people who can govern themselves. When we throw all morality, rule of law, and even the concept of absolute truth out, people can no longer govern themselves, as they have no compass by which to chart their lives. Then democracy is only a temporary reprieve from another opressive government. It will eventually fail.

We have recenntly witnessed the radical left putting men and women without moral compasses into positions of great power, and the results have been devastating.

What the left doesn't understand is that the very same tactics and precedents they are putting into play to acheive their radical goals will one day be used against them as well. Their "freedom of speech" will only be tolerated if it is the official party line, much as the left are treating all who oppose them now. Only when it happens to them it will be with an iron fist, and they will have realized their error too late (and we will suffer with them).

If the American public doesn't wake up soon, and quit spending all of it's energy buying into keeping up with the Joneses, it's liable to find out it's lost everything.

However, I do see some promising signs. But ultimately I'm fatalistic about America and the World at large as we know it. I've seen too much of the Bible come to pass with incredible accuracy to think otherwise.

I beileve the Bible is the inspired Word of God, I look forward to the literal return of Christ, I believe in the right to bear arms, and I am strongly Pro Life.

According to Janet Reno and Hillary Clinton, this makes me a severe threat to the United States Government (both have said as much, Reno said it squarely in a 60 minutes interview). It's truly sad to see people with that mindset in power, but alas the moral majority has been asleep for far too long, slowly letting the water boil them alive as they sit in front of their TVs.

These liberals believe in freedom of expression as long as it looks like their freedom of expression. And the saddest part of all is that they can't see it. You can't make them see it. They're so completely sold on their ideology that any rational thought goes out the window. They believe the end justifies the means, and that all is fair when the goal is utopia.

I believe that you do the right thing and that character counts, letting God worry about the end. I am completely at odds with these people in every way. They rule their lives based on emotion, I choose rational thought and keep my emotions under the control of my mind.

The whole thing pisses me off. They are willing to throw it all away to hold onto abortion, the homosexual agenda, and the pocketbooks of the american people. But that's the logical conclusion to the relevant moralism they were all taught in college.

Relevant moralism teaches that the only truth is a result of power. There is no ultimate authority other than absolute power. He who has the power makes the rules. And they're not stupid (just blind). They know the battle for the minds of America starts in elementary school, and they know that as long as they have the microphone they have access to the minds of the population at large.

It's so sad that Americans never get to hear the other side of issues. If they want to know, they have to dig for it. But they rarely do because there is no time or energy between two jobs, soccer, baseball, doing their kids homework, etc..

Forunately, in the end true justice "will" be restored...


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jeff r
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2003-08-02          60801

They are making decisions based on political winds NOW so what's the difference??? Based on LAW??? When it gets to the Supreme Court Level...THERE IS NO LAW ...ONLY A JUSTICE'S OPINION. ANY DECISION can be justified by law. IF it was black or white , right or wrong then the vote would be 9-0 every time wouldn't it???? The founding Fathers dropped the ball on the judicial branch checks and balances PERIOD. Wht's the difference between a corrupt politician and and a asinine Supreme Court Judge???? I get a chance to VOTE OUT OF OFFICE THE CORRUPT POLITICIAN. The justice is serving a lifetime of absolute POWER of which you and I have NO choice. Sounds like the definition of Hitler don't it.? If the President doesn't enforce a jack ass Supreme Court Decision He gets Impeached. 9 little dictators who rule the country by a 5 votes. ....

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2003-08-02          60802

Supreme Court judges can be impeached. They are to interpet case law based upon the content of the Constitution. As long as the voters continue to elect people (and I use this term VERY loosely) like Barney Frank, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Charles Shumer, I could go on adnauseum. It is a clear indication of a diseased society. These elected officials appoint who sits on the bench. Give it some time. There is a back lash starting now over the gay issue; maybe more people will catch on. I hate to sound repetitive but I do value my freedom......... I promise you we would not be having this conversation on the "other" tractor board. ;-) ....

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Not fun Insurance Nightmare

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2003-08-02          60803

DeTwang, to answer your original question, I had an F350 1ton crew cab dually until just recently. I insured it with GEICO and didn't have a problem. ....

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Not fun Insurance Nightmare

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2003-08-02          60804

It's hard to get back on topic now that I'm all fired up, but I have resolved the issue somewhat. It turns out that the original guy I talked to at progressive was right and the truck can be insured as a 10,000 or under truck. In fact it can be insured either way depending on it's intended use. I think the lady I talked to yesterday morning was just being a uncooperative. I talked to a new lady this morning and got them to insure it at the regular rate. It's now down to about two grand for both vehicles with commercial insurance (the truck is about 500 of it), and when I move to my place up north, about 600 more will be dropped off the tab.

Still a lot, but it's at least in the stratosphere.

What state did you insure in? ....

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2003-08-02          60805

Jeff, there are a couple of judges on the supreme court who still have brains, but they are currently outnumbered by the ideologs.

At least two supreme court judges are likely to retire soon, and this scares the liberals. They are losing the american people in droves, and to some extent they are losing the media. This is because their folly is so obvious now, that anyone who blindly supports them without at least firing a shot now and then, looks like a fool.

This is what all these fillibusters are about. It is a precursor to the supreme court nominations to come. If the president is successful in getting a couple of supreme court judges appointed, you will likely see a radical shift in the way things are decided.... for a while. Ultimately, I believe these ideological fools will succeed in dragging the whole thing down... I just hope it's alater rather than sooner.

If on the other hand, God Forbid, A dem is elected to the whitehouse next year and the dems retain control of the review process, and they get more of their ideological judges in the supreme court, then I'm afraid it's all over except for the crying. Things could deteriorate pretty fast, and Americans at large will get 'real' unhappy.

Things are reaching critical mass as far as the judicial system goes. ....

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jeff r
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2003-08-03          60806


The chance of a Supreme Court justice being impeached is similar to the chance of me having wild sex with Britney Spears in the next 24 hours. Let's be realistic. They tried to impeach a president who lost his law license for 5 years for obstruction of justice and perjury and look what happened??? Getting 2/3 of the US Senate to agree on anything that is roughly split 50/50 with both parties, will never impeach a guilty goat accused of smelling funny. ....

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Not fun Insurance Nightmare

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2003-08-03          60832

Quoted from post by chief......

Supreme Court judges can be impeached. They are to interpet case law based upon the content of the Constitution. As long as the voters continue to elect people (and I use this term VERY loosely) like Barney Frank, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Charles Shumer, I could go on adnauseum. It is a clear indication of a diseased society. These elected officials appoint who sits on the bench. Give it some time. There is a back lash starting now over the gay issue; maybe more people will catch on. I hate to sound repetitive but I do value my freedom......... I promise you we would not be having this conversation on the "other" tractor board. ;-)

.........end quote

Hi Chief,

Interstingly, I saw a blip on Fox News this morning that was about how the leadership of the young republicans sought out the leadership of the black panthers to open dialog with them. Surprisingly not only did the black panthers respond but both groups found much common ground, including their increasing distaste for the whole gay agenda based on faith. They also were discussing how many blacks in America are rethinking their loyalty to the Democratic party.

I agree that there is a backlash over this and other issues near and dear to the majority of americans. These are the kinds of promising signs I was talking about. Also things like how more and more american youth are embracing the abstinance movement. More and more parents are getting horrified at what is being spoon fed to their families via the boob tube. The message is getting out through the grapevine in spite of hollywood. The veil is being removed and the liberal agenda is beginning to be exposed to the masses for what it is.

This upcoming election is even more important that the last, and I really hope the american people send a harsh message to the radical left. I hope the democrats get the message as I believe that balance is good. I don't want either side to go entirely unopposed. It's just as easy for the right (that's me) to get out of control and become legalistic or over zealous and a strong (but well reasoned) left is needed to keep it in check.

The area where I really really want to see a major and lasting change is in the Media (and in the educational system as a byproduct of that). It is soooo one sided and as such extremely unhealthy for america. If that could only be balanced so that both sides of any issue can be told, then I think the American people will make the right choice every time. ....

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2003-08-03          60834

I'm cynical. It bothers me that many conservatives are willing to compromise whatever principles they have in order to draw liberal votes. I'm also bothered that the spineless wonders running the senate don't act on the principles they espounse to advance the agenda of the party. I'm very conservative and I don't see the majority party representing me very well. A cave here, a cave there, and you have the liberal agenda implemented with conservatives in charge. Although electing Republicans is far better than the alternative, I view it purely as a defensive political move rather than the offensive move I really crave.

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2003-08-03          60841

Politics is a dirty business. But people are craving for men (and women) of principle to lead them (even if they don't realize it). That's why The current president became so popular. He is far more principled than most in washington (way more than his predecessor). Reagan was popular for the same reason.

Right now, I just want to see the brakes put on this downward spiral we seem to be caught in. ....

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2003-08-04          60930

Unfortunatly what to some is a downward spiral is an oppertunity for others to succeed. Yes, basically in order to go up with some, takes others down. There is no such thing as staying the same size if you are a buisness as some one else is working at getting larger which would mean you are smaller. There are many glitches in the world today and you can't be sharp enough to catch them all. You only have the choice as to if they get you the second time! ....

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