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Cockshutt 1250 Fixeruper

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2003-12-26          72280

Anyone interested in a fixerupper Cockshutt 1250 with a spun bearing? Located in Canada.

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Cockshutt 1250 Fixeruper

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Art White
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2003-12-26          72315

Chief, did you get carried away on E-Bay? ....

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Cockshutt 1250 Fixeruper

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2003-12-26          72318

I am finding all kinds of interesting and off the wall stuff today aren't I? ;o) ....

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Cockshutt 1250 Fixeruper

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2003-12-26          72321

It's those idle hands and cabin fever. I mean look at the pictures of Chiefs Tractor. The tires are not even dirty. ....

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Cockshutt 1250 Fixeruper

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2003-12-26          72322

She is all tucked away nice and cosey in the basement garage nice and toasty with the woodstove going to keep it warm. Its too muddy and soft to take it out without mauling the yard. I've had it loaded up with chain saws, choker cables, and all my stuff to go cut wood but the weather has been nasty and it has not froze yet. Ahhhh, I can still play X-Box with the kids! ....

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Cockshutt 1250 Fixeruper

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2009-07-10          163938

I am interested in 1250 Fixeruper ....

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Cockshutt 1250 Fixeruper

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2009-07-10          163945

Muckatoon, Welcome!!

But please note that after 6.5 years, I'm pretty sure the tractor is long gone. If you look in the upper left corner you will see the message was posted Christmas of 2003.

Best of luck. ....

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Cockshutt 1250 Fixeruper

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2009-07-10          163949

muckatoon I welcome you also.

Chief, been missing you. Hope you have the thread posting link turned on to get this. Trust all is well. ....

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Cockshutt 1250 Fixeruper

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2009-07-10          163954

All things considered, I am not doing too bad. Thanks for askin'. How about you? Wow! This thread is an oldie. Almost 7 years old. :) ....

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Cockshutt 1250 Fixeruper

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2009-07-11          163964

Hi Chief!

Good to see you on TP! Is it ridiculously cool down there in Tenessee, no AC for us yet in NJ, crazy!

Denis ....

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Cockshutt 1250 Fixeruper

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2009-07-11          163965

Hello Dennis! We had a bout of the really hot and some cool weather the past few weeks. Got about 8 inches of rain in 2 days. Filled my pond up a bit. The blackberries are about done and we are hoping to do some honey extracting in a few more weeks once all of the blooms are gone. This will be our first year harvesting honey from our hives. We started out with 2 hives last year and ended up with 16 this Spring but small hive beetles took out 2 weak hives. The rest seem to be doing pretty well.

Are you still thinking about moving Dennis? After living in a remote rural area in Tennessee, I can tell you that the country side is beautiful but the people and their culture is NOT all it is cracked up to be. ....

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Cockshutt 1250 Fixeruper

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2009-07-11          163967

Originally Posted by Chief | view 163965
Hello Dennis!....Are you still thinking about moving Dennis?After living in a remote rural area in Tennessee, I can tell you that the country side is beautiful but the people and their culture is NOT all it is cracked up to be.

Chief I was just talking about how that was my dream starting about ten years ago. Now my kids are teen agers, my mom has Alzheimers and my Dad will be 89 the end of the month.

Last July I started looking into finishing my basement so that my Dad and Mom could live with me along with their caregiver. We started construction last October, and we are finally close to being finished, its has been a much longer process than I had hoped. We put in a full kitchen, bath, and laundry room. It looks great, I have a little painting to do, then we'll put the carpet down.

With this project, my ability to relocate has neen eliminated. Which is OK for now, as I find keeping up with the five acres I have is more than enough or soon will be too much.

Dennis ....

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