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755 Hydro Problem

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2003-07-28          60339

Well this 755 Deere that that the dealer brought out for me to try, is not working right. When on steep inclines and backing up the tractor works fine, but when you try to go up my drive way , the motor strains and will almost kill the engine,in low or high range, if you back up the drive it works fine, so the dealer picked up the unit and changed all fluids and filters, the tractor worked fine for 1 hour and now its back to the same problem, with the exception there is no fluid on the dip stick on level ground, and plenty when the unit is inclined forward, now the dealer said the hydro is going out, and will not repair it, they will discount the tractor and sell it to me or let me pass on it, does anyone know where the pickup is at on a hydro, front or back of the case? And is the dealer correct in the hydro going out. thanks

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755 Hydro Problem

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2003-07-28          60344

Based on the info in your post. I would run, not walk, away from the deal. ....

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755 Hydro Problem

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2003-07-28          60345

Unless I was an experienced mechanic on the 755 I would walk away from this deal. From what I understand hydros don't go out very often - if it has gone out I'd have to wonder why. Lack of maintenance? Operator abuse? Running a long time with low fluids? Who knows... ....

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755 Hydro Problem

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2003-07-31          60575

The pickup is at the rear of the transmission. There should be plenty of oil supply going forward uphill. You might check to see if the brakes are dragging. They are more efficient while moving forward, so you may not notice it in reverse. Put the hi-low lever in neutral on a level surface and see if it rolls easily in both directions. I hope it is something simple, although I'd be wary of dealing with someone who is unwilling to repair it before you buy.
Kenny ....

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755 Hydro Problem

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Art White
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2003-08-02          60740

Good call on the brakes JD. When a hydro has been oil starved it is not a pretty picture. They can be quite expensive to fix if it is from starvation, like take your wallet and put it thru your garbage disposal. ....

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755 Hydro Problem

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2003-08-03          60820

I have a 750 JD, When the 3PH is too high it strains the motor like you describe. ....

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755 Hydro Problem

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2003-08-03          60825

L: If what you're describing only happens at full height of the 3ph then the position control rod may be out of adjustment. The 3ph may not be going into neutral mode before the 3ph hits its mechanical stops. When that happens the engine will labour because it's working against relief valve pressure.

If you have a loader, the bucket can be curled fully back and the valve held open for a few seconds. You should hear the relief valve open. If you have the same sound when the 3ph is fully raised, then the position control rod likely needs adjustment.

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755 Hydro Problem

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Art White
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2003-08-04          60910

That would not change with the direction of travel, it would be doing it both ways as well as in neutral. ....

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755 Hydro Problem

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2003-08-04          60915

Another idea that comes to mind is that the suction screen may be blocked or collapsed but you would thing the problem would occur all the time if this were the case. ....

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755 Hydro Problem

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2003-08-05          60961

Thanks Art! If you comment was in response to mine, there's always a chance for me to something to learn here. Position rod adjustment isn't something that usually has to be done unless there's a lot of wear on the linkage or it has been disconnected. I've never needed to adjust it.

I always thought that if it's out of adjustment you either get a 3ph that won't raise to full height or one that won't go into neutral before max height. Other than that, operation is normal and the problem would happen with or without a load. Well, maybe not and then I'll learn something, or maybe I simply misunderstood your comment.

Since two 750 owners commented on the same problem and rod adjustment problems are pretty rare in newer tractors, it's unlikely the problem anyway. Maybe it's just normal for 750's. Don't know why though.

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