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Historic Day of First Flight

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2003-12-17          71448

Today is the day that Orville and Wilbur Wright broke the surley bonds of Earth and ascended (how ever so short by today's standards) into the air at Kitty Hawk, NC, 100 years ago. It is amazing how far design and achievements have come since then.

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Historic Day of First Flight

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2003-12-17          71450

I wonder if they are going to get the replica to fly? It is interesting to learn how many advances the Wrights made to get a plane in the air. ....

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Historic Day of First Flight

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2003-12-17          71506

It is truly mind boggling how far we've come in 100 years. ....

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Historic Day of First Flight

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2003-12-17          71512

Acording to Rush, the global warming effect has made the air much less dense and lacking in ozone so the replica won't fly. ;-) NOT! I saw a special on the History Channel that show an exact hand built replica that I thought I saw fly. ....

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Historic Day of First Flight

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2003-12-17          71516

You think about a 100 years and I forget who it was (guess that crs is spreading), but back in the late 1800's someone at the patent office said that they be closed down before 1900 because there was nothing left to invent. ....

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Historic Day of First Flight

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2003-12-17          71527

I had the impression that one group of replica builders were going to fly the plane today.(8pm discovery wings)
I guess that is a turn around the last I listened to Rush he stated there was no such thing as global warming or ozone holes.
I am not sure where he gets his info. As I had talked with John Polanyi and sat through his presentations after he won the Nobel Prize for high altitude chemistry. I am afraid I can not fault the data or conclusions. I am not too sure how the decreased Ozone levels at high altitude or the increased low level ozone effects anything for flight.
As you know the density of the air is more effected by relative humidity than ground temperature, although both play a part. If the hot air holds more moisture is there an increase or decrease in air density? There is global warming. The question is where it is normal climate shift or man made.
Rush's degrees in B.S. I guess make him an expert in everything. I know a few lawyers like this. ....

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Historic Day of First Flight

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2003-12-17          71535

I was just being tongue in cheek about the global warming and what Rush was on a rant about today. ....

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Historic Day of First Flight

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2003-12-18          71548

Did it ever get off the ground yesterday? ....

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Historic Day of First Flight

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2003-12-18          71569

I saw a little bit of that last night where they were trying to get the engine to fire and the points welded together and they had to make them with platinum.
I would imagine it would eventually fly or else it wouldn't make for very good TV!!! ....

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Historic Day of First Flight

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2003-12-18          71577

I watched it last night. They managed to fly 93 ft in Dec. but never left the ground yesterday in Kitty Hawk. It was a little wet for flying but they had a good crowd.
From the exercise of reproducing the flyer and the info gained I have a new appreciation for what they accomplished. If we combine their work with Bell's teams we have all we need to build a modern light plane. About the only thing that has changed is engine technology.
Sorry Chief I thought you might, but I have given up trying to underestimate what bull dittoheads will take as gospel. I have seen some intelligent men spouting erroneous Rushisms. I guess it is the difference between intelligence and wisdom. I am not sure what has happened to healthy reflection and scepticism in this country. ....

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Historic Day of First Flight

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2003-12-18          71578

It's kinda amazing what Wrights did. Here we are with all kinds of tech and even reverse engineered after all the work had been done and still have problems trying to do it. ....

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