Case 1390 rear 3 point lift no downward pressure
Join Date: Jul 2022 Posts: 8 North Dakota, USA |
2022-07-05 201187
I have a disc plow and I cannot get the lift to pressure it into the earth. It goes down and then stops with the discs only staying on the surface of the ground. Do these 3 point lifts ONLY lift? How do I get the disc to dig into the ground and be used as it should?
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Case 1390 rear 3 point lift no downward pressure
Join Date: Oct 2005 Posts: 5275 South Carolina Pics |
2022-07-05 201190
There have been and may be a few tractors with DOWN pressure but not the majority. Realize down pressure would affect the pulling and stability of a tractor.
Now how to disc: to begin with what condition is the disk in? Blades good? Bearing good allowing the blades to turn freely? What kind of angle are the blades set at? Normally you need the leading edge basically straight to help the blade enter the dirt. Blade set where the front edge is heavy angle will have hard time entering and cutting hard dirt or dirt with much trash on it. Crop debris is trash when disking.
How much does the disk weigh? Can you place weight on it?
When has the ground been disked? Hard ground that has not been broken or tilled in few years can whip even a moderate heavy disk. You may need to use what most call moldboard plows or chisel plows or subsoiler to first break very hard dirt.
Having good blades, angles set right, take it slow allowing time for the disk to CUT and not ride on the dirt and disk. Often overlapping half the width is used in hard dirt or cross cutting. Of if dirt is hard try after a rain. Not when it is mud but water will normally soften the soil. ....
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Case 1390 rear 3 point lift no downward pressure
Join Date: Jul 2022 Posts: 8 North Dakota, USA |
2022-07-05 201192
Thank you, thank you. That really explained a lot. Ignorance has been unIGnorized to a large degree. I do have a moldboard (3 bottom plow) I tried this but it kept raising and not staying down. It is antique. Uses twisted clevis. I think the differential that raises and lowers it is not working properly. Keeps coming up, then gets clogged. I might need to disassemble this and clean it up and put oil in. The oil/grease is very black and thick. This might be the problem.
My disc plow is homemade and the front row of discs are at an angle, as are the back in the opposite angle. It has a 120 pound weight at the end of it. Granted, the moldboard did not work so I was going to 'try' the disc plow. The sod was thick and had not been plowed for many years. I will need to get the moldboard working to turn the sod over so the disc plow will do what it is supposed to do, in the way it was supposed to do it.
Again, thanks heaps. ....
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Case 1390 rear 3 point lift no downward pressure
Join Date: Jul 2022 Posts: 8 North Dakota, USA |
2022-07-05 201193
Homemade disc plow bought at an auction. ....
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Case 1390 rear 3 point lift no downward pressure
Join Date: Apr 2020 Posts: 24 |
2022-07-06 201196
All the 3PH that I know of have no down pressure, they use the weight of the implement and the draft to bite into the earth. I think they do make a power beyond that could put a hydraulic cylinder to manipulate the implement. ....
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Case 1390 rear 3 point lift no downward pressure
Join Date: Dec 1999 Posts: 7249 Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada Pics |
2022-07-06 201199
A couple of the Russian makes, Belarus and Zetor had down-pressure, probably to help get through frozen tundra.
Not so much North American or European brands.
Best of luck. ....
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Case 1390 rear 3 point lift no downward pressure
Join Date: Jul 2022 Posts: 8 North Dakota, USA |
2022-07-06 201203
Thanks much. My problem is clearly that I am trying to put the cart before the horse. My 3 bottom plow (old and uses a twisted clevis to pull) differential, when pulled, lowers the plow and digs a little then raises up again automatically, before I pull the cord to 'tell it to rise'. I will need to take this apart and clean it, then fill it with the proper lubricant. I am assuming that this would be a gear oil that is relatively thick.
Has anyone had experience with an antique 3 bottom plow? Has a tongue that fits into a twisted clevis. If a hard object is hit the tongue is sprung and pops out of the clevis. A cord is attached to a lever on a 'differential' on the left wheel that toggles the blades up and down. This 'differential' does not do as it should, pops up/down without being told to. I will include a picture of the plow. ....
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Case 1390 rear 3 point lift no downward pressure
Join Date: Jul 2022 Posts: 8 North Dakota, USA |
2022-07-06 201204
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Case 1390 rear 3 point lift no downward pressure
Join Date: Dec 1999 Posts: 7249 Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada Pics |
2022-07-06 201206
Are you pulling it from the swinging drawbar? Or the 3 pth with a drawbar? ....
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Case 1390 rear 3 point lift no downward pressure
Join Date: Oct 2005 Posts: 5275 South Carolina Pics |
2022-07-23 201231
Boy, do I understand your bottom plow! First plow ever used with tractor was such a setup but with tiller blades rather than mold board plows. Same use.
Don't miss Murf's question, pull it with the fixed draw bar and not the 3-point hitch. Tractor has no ability to affect the depth of this plow or if so, very little. I will suggest see if you can find a youtube video on someone using one to help see how they set it up. Not complicated. Our plow was raised and lowered by one wheel activated with pull rope. Not sure the exact insides of the hub where that is done but think you will find cams to do the raising and dropping. IF, your tractor has rear remote hydraulics you might consider replacing that setup with a hyd cyl to give better control.
But back to getting the plow in the ground: the plow points, good possibility yours are worn badly and need to be replaced. Take one with you to a true farm supply store that sells implements. If you have label on the plow of brand and model you might find them on line. You may have to repair the points you have. Need a good shop to do the work.
Plow point must be point down to engage and keep it engaged. Take it slow to get it engaged, it needs a few feet to dig in. NOTE and very important, there is NO trip, shear or spring to absorb the impact of hitting anything in the ground. If you have rocks, roots take it slow. It can stop the tractor in inches, and you travel till you hit tractor...Not enjoyable.
Looking back at your plow see if you can have your wings and not sure the proper term but the bottom blade built up as they show looks like heavy wear.
If there is a heavy vegetation you might find plowing deep helps the by getting below the roots. Could not tell much about the disk but slow with disk also till ground is torn up. If you can adjust the blades angle set it where the leading edge is near straight, so it is easier to cut vegetation. Would set the rear blades almost that straight. Need blades without damage to them. Bent or ripped blades don't work well. Weight is your friend with a disk. Be sure to keep anything you add for weight does not rub or affect blade clearance. May need to use boards to build platform for the weights. Old metal such as railroads rails, tractor weights, any metal you have that can be held in place. Even a sprayer tank filled works.
BTW, any older farmers near you? Can be great source of knowledge. Have fun and hope you have great success. Oh the first tractor I used was also an older Case, only fixed draw bar. ....
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Case 1390 rear 3 point lift no downward pressure
Join Date: Jul 2022 Posts: 8 North Dakota, USA |
2022-07-31 201247
Thanks very much for your comments. I talked to an old guy in my town and he said that the mechanism that makes the blades rise and lower may have to be repaired. Springs may have broken or it just may need to be cleaned and put clean oil in. He said that simply by putting fresh oil in may get it working again. The oil that is in there is low and very old (thick). That may be a major issue. I will try that first before I go as far as breaking it apart. ....
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Case 1390 rear 3 point lift no downward pressure
Join Date: Jul 2022 Posts: 8 North Dakota, USA |
2022-08-25 201294
I have discovered that one of th seals on wheel side leaks. When I put out in the plow’s gearbox it all came out. So, I need to find a seal or make one because finding a seal to fit that may be impossible due to the age of the plow. Does anybody have an idea on how to make my own seal for that axle coming out of there to the wheel on the plow? ....
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