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50 hour service

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2003-08-15          61943

I can't believe I am actually looking foward to an oil change but I am. Tomorrow after about an hout of FEL work I have to do the 50 hour maintenance. I have only had the machine slighly less than month but have gotten plenty out of it.

I must lead a boring life cause all week I have been waiting for this!

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2003-08-15          61945

After you spill your first gallon of Hyguard all over the floor you will change your mind about that. LOL! I was the same way about my 50 hr. too. Have you checked the torque on the wheel lugs and loader bolts yet? Don't forget that. Have fun! ....

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2003-08-15          61946

I think I will be doing it outdoors, so a spill won't be TOO bad. I may do it in the garage then I will be careful ;)

I have been checking the loader and wheel nuts but they're fine. My dealer put little white paint marker lines on every nut so I can see if they move and at least I know they checked em' as well.

If I spill anything you'll be the first to know :)

I just poured all the used oil I had lying around in containers into a 55 gallon drum that EVENTUALLY I will bring to the dump to pour in the recycle tank. I am sick of making all the trips to the local station, I am going for the once a year plan. Figure I'll put the drum on the truck with the FEL and pump it off at the dump with one of those drill pumps. I have apower inverter in the truck so I can use a corded drill. ....

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2003-08-15          61950

I would check the the wheel and loader hardware with a torque wrench and verify torque even if they did slippage mark the hardware. The dealer slippage marked mine as well and when I checked it; I got as much as a 1/3 of a turn before the torque wrench clicked on some fasteners. I checked mine out of the Better safe than sorry line of thinking. Plus I got to see how hardware could loose torque while doing aircraft maintenance. Usually, most critical hardware was torque checked every 9 - 11 hours until the torque stabilized. If it took more than 3 attempts to stabilize, we disassembled to inspect for problems. ....

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2003-08-15          61952

Not real scientific torque wise but I do keep a rachet and some sockets near the tractor and every few days I give everything a little crank just to see.

So far everything has been tight. I will recheck all torque settings tomorrow. Good idea, thanks ....

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2003-08-16          61987

50 hour service went smooth. Fluids looked like new but tarnny had a fair ammount of metal on the screen and in the fluid. Didn't see it until I poured the fluid into the waste drum. I think some of the small filings/castings hang out at the bottom of the tranny and never make the filter because there isn't enough force to flush them. When you drain they are probbaly the first thing out though. No wonder the switched from 200 hours to 50 hours for the first tranny fluid change.

All nuts were tight don't think any budged, maybe one lug ( 1/8 turn?)but I can't be sure.

One question my machine called for HyGard Lo Vis and I used it, it is light amber in color. The stuff that came out was pink (tranny fluid color) and looked nothing like HyGard. Don't they have HyGard LoVis in Japan? ....

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2003-08-16          61994

One thing I forgot to mention was to take a close look at the battery. This issue may not effect the 790 but on my 4410 and other Ten Series hydro. tractors with the trans. cooler in front of the radiator, the battery can leak electolyte (acid) and it gets drawn into the oil cooler and radiator. Mine does this so I check and wash it down after each use. I am currently working the issue with the dealer and they have opened a warranty issue case for a possible technical bulletin fix. It hasn't done this with each use but during long runs when it is very hot outside. I have suggested an Optima battery as a possible fix. Won't be holding my breath waiting for the Optima battery but stranger things have happened. ....

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2003-08-17          61995

I have heard this before. 790s have the same issue with leaky batteries and the battery holddown piercing the radiator if it works loose.

Mine is tight and no leaks, I check often. JD may have fixed the problem???

Scott ....

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2003-08-17          62017

I have also heard the battery thing on the 790's so far mine seems fine with a tick over 50 hrs. ....

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2003-08-17          62027

battery and hold down bracket being replaced by dealer next week,pressure checked/adjusted and posibble tire demounted rim checked/rust comming from loaded tires/tire dealer was known for sloppy work(no flats)incurred
150 hrs 790 4wd 1 year old in july.
will keep posted.

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2003-08-17          62031

Did you have a problem w/ the battery and holder or is this something JD is doing like a recall? ....

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2003-08-18          62044

Moisture will make the hydraulic fluid pink, with a milky look to it depending on the amount of contamination. ....

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2003-08-18          62065

This was pink from the first day I got the tractor. The fluid looked brand new when I emptied it.

Just was curious why JD says you can only use one fluid but it SEEMS to come from the factory with another. ....

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2003-08-18          62066

The fluid in my 2210 is the same way. The OEM fluid from day-one was a pink-red color. I first noticed it when I went to add "low-vis" to bring the level back up after installing the FEL, at that time, I noticed that the low-vis was a clear-yellow color, not the same as the pink-red OEM fluid? ....

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2003-08-18          62080

On the 4115 it is defiantly pink. I have a sight glass on the transmission to check the levels. Pink.

My manual also says the low vis is preferred but that I can use regular HyGaurd. Consult the bar graph, it says the max temp range for low vis is 84 degrees!!!!

It says to choose the oil that best matches your operating temp environment. Regular HyGuard is good up to 122 degrees.

Yesterday it was 95 and I was working it pretty hard, pulling scarifiers through some very hard soil. I accidentally touched the rear power beyond port and it burned my arm. That fluid was HOT.

I'm changing to regular HyGuard at 50 hours. But before I do I and going to do some tests to see if it makes a difference in the leak-down. ....

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2003-08-18          62085

Hey Mark, I went through the low verses regular fluid. I was told by the service manager that John Deere recommends low vis for all climates. This was relayed to him during one of the JD classes.

According to my manual and the climate here, I should be using Hy Guard. I did email JD support and asked them which one I should use. I was told to follow my dealers advice.

If that's the case, they should update their owners manual ....

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2003-08-18          62086

It would be real interesting to e-mail them saying the dealer said to use hyguard and see if they still give you the stock answer.

BTW, where ya been? Haven't heard from you in a while. ....

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2003-08-18          62090

Yeah or email them and say your dealer says to use Super UDT ;)

Raisin chickens during hot weather kept me busy. They left early this morning, all 287,320 lbs of em. ....

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2003-08-18          62094

MY book, which apparently doesn't mean much when JD is printing it, :) says that Lo-Vis is JD20D rated which is good for temps between -22F and 122F, where as reg HyGard is rated JD20C which is good fron 14F to 122F.

The book again indicates either is good for use but.... the dipstick reads LoVis only!

I used LoVis for cold NE temps. ....

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2003-08-18          62105

Well this should confuse things even more. Just visited the dealer down the road and his sales manual says lo-viz pours at -40 and HyGard pours at -27 degrees. So that means either will work for my winter use.

I am still going with HyGard at 50 hours. I am really interested to see if it makes a difference in leak-down. On my 4100 Gear (which never got a hydro fluid change) I got a lot of leak-down in hot weather and almost none at freezing temps.

At this point I am more concerned about hot weather ops than cold. You can always start it early and let it warm up in the winter. If you overheat it in the summer all you can do is shut it down and hope there was no damage.

I wonder if they color the factory stuff pink so they can tell if it gets changed? ....

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2003-08-18          62126

my dealer is aware of the corosion problem and said that jd replaces the battery with a tube type vent instead of the caps which gas off causing the terminal/post/clamp/bracket to corode also asked if the regulator was over charging due to to different amperages
20/35 I used an volt meter to measure and it was around 13.8. ....

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