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Knowing where you are

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Join Date: Feb 2002
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2003-06-12          57391

In the news this morning is a story about a farmer who spend three days and nights with his fingers trapped in a rock picker. He eventually cut off some fingers with a pocketknife and walked out. One of my wife's uncles was run over by his tractor several times before he was found by family who expected him back. It's real good if somebody always knows where your are and when to expect you.

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Knowing where you are

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Join Date: Jul 2003
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2003-06-12          57394

That is terrible. I tell the wife where I am when I am cutting wood and take a cell phone and keep it within reach in case I need help in an emergency. Were they able to save and reattatch his fingers? Doesn't sound promising. ....

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Knowing where you are

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2003-06-12          57397

This is a major concern to my family now as well, since my 'little problem' last fall I have been put under certain 'travel restrictions'.

My solution was the (relatively) new FRS, or Family Radio System type of two-way radios out. I put a base station in both the house and shop, then got a pair of portables (Ni-mh batteries & charger stand included), one each for me and the missus.

Aside from the safety factor it sure is handy not to have to scream, wave, blow whistles, etc. to get a message across. They have about a 2 to 3 mile range which is enough for me to venture to any of the neighbours for a chin-wag or coffee and still be 'available'. With a machine running it is particularly useful, it sure beats screaming.

A couple of the neighbours now have them too, we each have our own 'regular' channels and if somebody needs a hand for a minute they just flip channels and ask a neighbour, it's easier than stopping, going to the house and phoning around, especially if the guy next door is outside and can't even hear the phone....

Best of luck. ....

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Knowing where you are

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2003-06-12          57412

Murph, what was the "little problem" you had last Fall? Nothing serious or permanent I hope? ....

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Knowing where you are

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2003-06-12          57414

Unfortunately I suffered a massive heart attack during the deer hunt last fall.

I was found by another of our group who was able, via radio, to call for assistance and they got me out to where a helicopter could medivac me out to the hospital.

Stay in touch, stay safe......

Best of luck. ....

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Knowing where you are

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2003-06-12          57416

I had no idea Murph, I hope you are doing much better. I see your point. Take care. ....

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Knowing where you are

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2003-06-12          57430

Doing much better thanks, but now I live under a VERY strict set of rules which includes my diet, exercise (limited, but increasing gradually) and work. I am 'rationed' in everything, computer time included, and was completely barred from the office (by my wife & doctor), I get daily reports from my EXCELLENT staff.

Hopefully I'll be out of 'retirement', at least on a part-time basis later this summer.

Best of luck. ....

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Knowing where you are

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Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 5406 Upper Ottawa Valley
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2003-06-13          57461

The news story said that the hand was amputated because of infection. He had stopped and crawled under the picker to clear it--probably had done it a thousand times even if it is a safety no no.

The picture was of a fairly young person, and mostly likely he was trying to tough out a one-person operation. I imagine it will be even more difficult now but people in the country do have a way of pulling together and I imagine there will be a local solution. I am amazed how well we keep track of each other around here. I imagine he'll still need luck and good wishes.

The story reported the farmer as saying that he couldn't sleep because of the pain and he must have been hallucinating and imagined he was at a BBQ. He was cutting on things and didn't realize they were his fingers till after the fact. Horrible as it sounds, it was probably would be easier than knowing what you're doing.

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