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Bill G
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2003-07-19          59789

We are tractor-newbies, in the final stages of buying a CUT - and are looking at either Kubota 7500 (or possibly 7800), or, New Holland TC24D. We have 26 acres of hills & woods; will do some (but not all) finish mowing, some ag work & earth work.

Other than price (which are pretty close) what else can you tell us to determine the best choice? Durability? Reliability? Ease of use? Ease of getting parts/service? Is there some kind of independent "Consumer Reports" type of assessment of tractors?

Help! We're about to write a big check and it's lonely out here... ! Thanks!

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Art White
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2003-07-19          59801

We have the choice to sell three top brands of compacts, including the two that you are looking at. We chose Kubota because of Quality, longevity, both of tractor and tractor brand. and ease of operation. I would recommend the minimum size for you being the 7800. ....

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jeff r
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2003-07-19          59808

May your decision be a great one. I couldn't help but notice the subject of "Consumer Reports" came up. Let me give you an unpublisized industry view of the folks at the Consumer Reports.
If the average consumer thinks that the GODLIKE CR (Consumer Reports) people hire these so-called experts to test these products with the consumer believing there are CR experts that do nothing but test tractors or are strictly one product expert YOU BETTER THINK AGAIN!!! The guys that rated the TVs' last month are now doing vaccuum cleaners and next month they do air conditionars and in 2 months are rating cars. Major companies that get their products rated by CR take CR evalutaions somewhat with a grain of salt. The prevailing attitude of major companies that design and maunufacturer products for CR evaluation are "If these people are so smart rating our products why are they working for a "FLUNKY" organization like CR and not working for the companies that make and design the products.

The point I'm trying to make here is simple. The folks at CR reports are no more qualified to rate products than a person who went out and bought the product and used it in the first place. Any one of you guys could rate tractors for CR and probably do it better than some of their clowns who never owned tractor who is now rating vaccuum cleaners. The poor brainwashed public thinks some white lab jacket CR guy does nothing for 365 days except be an expert on the product he rated.....NOT TRUE. Consumer Report ratings mean nothing to me because the people who did the reporting are a jack of all trades and master of NONE. An experienced person who has owned several makes and models of a product will give you a much more informed opinion of a product than any CR report and it won't be 2 years old and the make and model discontinued.

Don't go to a dentist to get your hair cut and don't go to a barber to get your teeth fixed,,,,and don't put to much credence into Consumer Reports over a person who has used his hard earned money to learn firsthand what is or is not a good or bad product. ....

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2003-07-19          59812

Art hit the nail on the head. If you are not going with the green paint, go with the orange. They make a good all round product. ....

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2003-07-19          59815

It would help to know what is included in the terms ag work and earth work.
Are we talking plowing? Bailing hay? Cutting brush? ....

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2003-07-20          59842

The ag work we'll do is yet to be determined. We're nearing retirement, so we have bunches of ideas that we're narrowing down. They run along the line of tree farm, maybe organic vegetables (though that's more labor intensive) and others like bees, goats... the list is pretty long.

Right now, the empty land is in hay, and a neighbor does the haying. The tractor we'll buy is for mowing, landscaping, maintenance, cleaning out some of the tree area ... and whatever else we end up needing. As of yesterday, we're planning on buying a Kubota 7800 - next weekend probably.

Thanks for your thoughts. We're listening... ....

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2003-07-20          59846

I think the 7800 is a fabulous tractor for the money.

Here on the Left Coast, they cannot be found, so if there is only one in stock you might be well advised to slap some money on the table to hold it. ....

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2003-07-20          59850

One other question - someone else brought up the issue of visibility over the front. The NH Boomer has a sloped nose; the 7800 has a square nose. Any comments about limited visibility? Does it make it awkward to see what's right in front of you? Thanks. ....

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2003-07-21          59880

The sloped hoods are supposed to let you see better. I'm not sure how much of an advantage they' are since a loader bucket is going to obscure vision a lot of the time too.

I don't find my traditional hood much of a problem although I think I did stand up to see what was in the bucket a few times the first year I got the tractor. After awhile you just know where the bucket is and what's in it. I don't think I've ever seen the blade on the ground.

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Art White
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2003-07-21          59881

You really can't see the bucket to see how much is in it on either tractor when on the ground can you? ....

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