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duals on compact

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2003-03-19          51481

has anybody put duals on a compact at this site? was thinking it would aid in ballast as well as traction. what do you think.

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duals on compact

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2003-03-19          51484

Some of the articulated tractors have duals for side hill stability.
Peters ....

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duals on compact

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2003-03-19          51486

Site picture. ....


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duals on compact

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2003-03-19          51488

was thinking of putting some on my 790 as it needs to be balisted up for loader work(using 5ft box scraper now )but would like to not have it on all the time. and was also thinking it would aid in traction when plowing. plus I think it would look neat ,if that means anything. ....

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duals on compact

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2003-03-20          51500

Interesting idea. Here are some practical considerations off the top of my head.

The 790 does have a lot of power for its weight so it might be able to take advantage of more weight to gain traction. There is a relationship between weight, traction and power. In most compacts at pto rpm, the traction goes a bit before the power does. Adding a lot more traction through duels and more weight to most tractors may make the power quit before the traction does and that might not be desirable. 790's probably could tolerate adding more traction/weight than most compacts.

These are some 'on the other hand' type considerations. You might need a new set of implements to cover the dual tire tracks. Those wider implements probably require more draft than narrower ones and you might end up back with the same need for more weight and traction. Maneuverability would be decreased and wider spaces in the bush would be needed to drive through. In addition, on some surfaces there might actually be less traction if lug tires were used. Lug tires don't have much traction on surfaces that are so hard that the tractor weight can't sink the lugs into the ground. Providing a double expanse of lugs may reduce the lbs. per sq. in. that's on the ground even with additional weight. If the tractor weight can't sink the lugs on ground that needs to be worked, then the work will go maybe slower than if done by the original tractor.

These are theoretical possibilities and I don't know of a good way to figure out how a dueled 790 would perform without just trying it.

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duals on compact

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2003-03-20          51512

I think Tom is on the right track, if the ground were soft enough for a 790 to sink a double set of tires into it, then it is Jello pudding and you're not going to have traction no matter what you try. If on the other hand, the ground is firm, then twice as many tires means (almost) half the weight per square inch on them, since you now have (almost) the same weight spread over double the surface area of tire contact patch.

The other point already made is width of implement required to get tire track coverage, any sort of duals would certainly add at least 2', probably nearer to 3' of overall width, this would mean changing from 6' implements to 8' or 9' in width I would think the extra drag would more than defeat your traction gain.

I do agree however that it would look neat.

Best of luck. ....

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duals on compact

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2003-03-20          51516

thanks for your input. it does seem to make since about pounds per sq. in for traction, but what about added stabilty for mowing and added balast for loader work.or does it seem wheel weights would achieve that cheaper and easier? ....

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duals on compact

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2003-03-20          51518

For mowing, same theory applies, you would need an 8' or 9' mower, or at the very least an offset mower otherwise you couldn't cut up to anything, you would always leave an uncut swath next to obstacles where the wheel track exceeded the mower width.

As for loader work, same again, a good portion of a loaders ability is related to it's ability to fill the bucket, which in turn is related to the tracotrs ability to develop enough traction to force the bucket into the material to get a full scoop and not get stopped too early.

As for side-slope stabilty, it would help, but, IMHO, if you need duals to prevent rollover, you are on too steep of an angle, PERIOD.

I tell employees to judge a situation by the 'seat of the pants', if they feel like they're gonna fill, STOP what you are doing.

Best of luck. ....

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duals on compact

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2003-03-23          51653

Kind of thought this was funny that nobody mentioned the axles on the 790. I don't know that they would not take the extra weight of the duals but they sure were not engineered for them. This would be a very expensive way to find out that they could not take the abuse. The rear ends and axles of farm tractors had to be built heavier as duals gained popularity in the 1960's. even though you may not ever be in a hard pull with the tractor think how far the outside of that dual tire is out there. Just a thought. ....

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duals on compact

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2003-03-23          51667

Yes, that sure would be an issue. Get enough people throwing ideas into a basket and ya end with with a full one. A similar issue has been mentioned regarding wheel bearings and reversed wheels, but the effect of duals on axles is a good contribution to the thread here as well.

I don't know when the duals thing happened, but I don't remember them when I was a kid in the 50's visiting in Nebraska and Iowa nor when I was stationed in Nebraska during the early '60's. The first tractor with duals and a cab I remember was in '66. It was working a field near my last station in North Dakota. I still remember thinking 'Boy those tractors sure have changed.'

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