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Differential lock on JD 4400 hydro

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2001-03-24          25828

Hello,I have a John Deere 4400 4x4 hydro,I have been pulling some logs and moving a lot of dirt,when I try to engage my differental lock,for example I am under a load and my right rear wheel is spinning and I apply pressure on the differental lock the left rear wheel does not alaways engage and at times while I am pushing down on the pedal I can feel a slight clicking in the pedal like the gears are not meshing right,but other times it appears to engage,the pedal is going down all the way to the rubber mat and there is no debris under the pedal that could be interferring with anything. If i remember right when I first got the tractor whenever I pushed on the pedal it would go down and lock no question about it.Any suggestions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advanceHillbilly

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Differential lock on JD 4400 hydro

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2001-03-25          25841

I don't know if the operation described is normal. However, I believe that the best way to engage a diff lock is with the tractor stopped. Attempts to engage the lock with a wheel spinning can damage the lock. I am guilty of engaging the lock while a wheel is spinning, but usually at near idle. It's a natural reaction and a hard habit to break. ....

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Differential lock on JD 4400 hydro

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2001-03-25          25853

Hillbilly, I usually back way off on my hydro or stop before using the diff lock on my 4400. It engages just like you say. ....

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Differential lock on JD 4400 hydro

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Dennis M. Schweiger
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2001-03-26          25891

I too have a JD4400, but on my tractor the differential lock is only engaged as long as I step on the pedal. As soon as I remove my foot, the lock disengages. I mentioned it to my dealer, but he said this was how it was supposed to work. Do any of you notice the same thing? On any of the larger AG tractors I've used th diff stays locked until you either desengage it by hand, or step on one of the brakes. Thanks,

Dennis ....

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Differential lock on JD 4400 hydro

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Bird Senter
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2001-03-26          25894

Dennis, you're right about the differential lock on the larger Ag tractors, but I think most of the compact tractors work as yours does. At least the Kubotas' differential lock only stays engaged while you hold the pedal down. ....

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Differential lock on JD 4400 hydro

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2001-03-26          25895

Dennis: The lock on my Ford 1710 disengages when I release the pedal. I think that's standard operation for compacts. However, I don't think there is anything other than the return spring to disengage the lock. Maybe a very strong spring would be required to do the job on a large farm tractor, and the spring would make it hard for an operator to depress the lock pedal. I will remember the brake trick if my lock ever fails to disengage. ....

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Differential lock on JD 4400 hydro

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2001-03-26          25900

Hillbilly, you should NEVER try to engage the diff. lock with the drive engaged, it puts an incredible load on the mechanism, not to mention the risk of severe damage. Engaging with a wheel in motion is the equivalent to your truck spinning on sand then suddenly hitting pavement. You have been lucky so far since the mechanism has two choices, instantly bring the idle wheel up to speed, or break.... I don't think many would like the second choice. The 'clicking' you hear is the gears clashing since there is no 'synchro' on this mechanism, it was designed for a stationary engagement only. Best of luck. ....

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Differential lock on JD 4400 hydro

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Rob Munach
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2001-03-26          25922

The diff lock on my 790 will not engage unless one tire is spinning. If I try otherwise, the lever does not move. I must maintain pressure on the lever until the tire rotate more and what feels like a pin is lined up with its hole in the lock (I don't know how it actually works, but it "feels" this way) . It has been like this since new. I never try to engage it if the tires are spinning fast. Usually, only at idle in first gear. ....

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Differential lock on JD 4400 hydro

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2001-03-27          25946

This one got me thinking, so I pulled the manual out. It says, "IMPORTANT: To prevent damage to differential, do not engage differential lock at high speeds." It then says, "stop or slow tractor down" to engage differential lock. So, it sounds like the safest method is to stop, engage the diffreential lock and keep your foot on it. Then use the gas, and move your foot off the differential lock. The lock will release itself when normal traction has returned. It sound similar to using the 4WD except than I disengage the 4WD manually. JonB ....

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