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What is the green warning light

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Lisa Musick
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2003-07-14          59474

Hi - I have a 2010D -

The op manual I have doesn't show this light (I guess I got the wrong manual).

I was wondering if anyone knows what the green warning light is located in the left hand corner of the RPM gauge.

Could it be the alternator ??


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What is the green warning light

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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 4299 Southwest MiddleTennessee
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2003-09-17          64122

My guess would be that the green light illuminating give indication of adequate alternator/generator out put and charging system function. ....

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What is the green warning light

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Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 5406 Upper Ottawa Valley
TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster

2003-09-18          64218

I believe that question has come up before. I just can't remember what the answer was. I scanned about the first 6 pages of the Yanmar forum but there isn't anything obvious in the subject titles. Maybe somebody remembers the discussion.

I'm not too long on patients so I'd probably take off the alternator output wire and start the tractor (with care that the wire isn't grounded) to see if the light still goes out. ....

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