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JD 4400 Combine

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Larry D
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2003-10-26          67117

I am always breaking the cotter pins on the clean grain elevators does anybody have a solution to this how to fix so they do not break as often?
The moniters keep buzzing only one I have replaced the swithch adjusted it and still buzzes any ideas, tried to bypass that did not work either how do you by pass 1 monitor.

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JD 4400 Combine

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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 4299 Southwest MiddleTennessee
TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster  View my Photos  Pics

2003-10-27          67192

I am not up so much on my combines but I will take a stab at this. Assuming there are not other mechanical issues contributing to the cotter pin breakage; are you using the John Deere spec. cotter key or a replacement cotter key?

The reason I ask is that perhaps the cotter key you are currently using is not of the correct hardness or compatible material. Aside from this, without more info. on exactly what is taking place is not too clear.

Usually with repetative breakage such as this there are other issues contributing to the problem such as excessive slack, abnormal shock loading, or bent/damaged components etc.

If you are using the spec. cotter key, going to a harder material key or replacing it with a hard material pin may not be such a good idea as it would mask a larger systemic problem and eventually cause a worse breakage somewhere else. The cotter key or shear pin is there as the weak link to break before something really expensive breaks.

If you can give us more detailed info.; maybe we can come up with more ideas. I can imagine the frustration. My father is getting in his soy bean right now since the weather has been so warm and dry (great moisture content in the beans around 10-12%) Their combine went on the fritz too. Ended up calling in the John Deere guys with a huge tractor trailer rig for an on site repair. ....

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