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NH TC35D Engine life

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Posts: 5 Russian Federation
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2003-12-28          72482

We are running five TC35D models here and I will need to replace a couple of the older ones. Does anyone have a handle on the life expectancy (in operated hours) for the 3 cyl diesel in these tractors? That would make my purchase schedule a little clearer.

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NH TC35D Engine life

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2003-12-28          72493

Welcome Roy! I had no idea that American tractors made it to the Russian market. To answer you question (more like I am taking a stab at it) Life expectancy of an engine depend on a lot of things primary of which is good regular scheduled maintenance. The environment in which the tractor is operated plays a big part as well. The duty cycle of the engine is yet another factor. If you run the engines for long periods vs short runs you will get much longer life from them hour wise. Depending on these and other factors, it is not unreasonable for an engine to last as long as 8,000 or more hours and as little as 2,500 under harsh circumstances. If you use these tractors in the environment you show in your profile; I would say that may be a very harsh and cold environment for much of the year. Use engine block and transmission oil heaters religiously, good grades of synthetic oil where practical and NEVER EVER NEVER NEVER use ether to assist cold starts. Try to keep the equipment sheltered in a shed or equipment building of some sort to keep it out of the weather and elements. Allow the equipment to warm up per the operator's manual prior to putting it to use. I am sure some of the other folks will jump in here who have much more cold weather and fleet operations experience, first of which is Murf. I bet he could give you some very good feedback. Where exactly are you located in the Russian Federation? ....

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NH TC35D Engine life

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Art White
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2003-12-28          72499

Are you using these in the Mine? ....

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NH TC35D Engine life

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2003-12-28          72537

Hi Art

Yes we use the TC35D's in the mine. Mechanics, electrician & suveyors haul their gear & parts in them and the Underground supervisors use them for transport to check up on the miners. The short wheelbase and the hydro trans, coupled with the 4x4 makes them ideal for this.

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NH TC35D Engine life

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Join Date: Dec 2003
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2003-12-28          72538

Hi Chief - thanks for your input. We are in Far East Russia, about 300km Northeast of Magadan - about 2500km due north of Japan.
We have a well established preventative maintenance program and if 8,000 hours is considered reasonable life for the 3 cyl Shibaura diesel I guess I can't complain that we lost a con-rod bearing at 12,600 hours.
The replacement engines I have been quoted are almost 50% of the cost of a new tractor, so I guess some hard decisions need to be made!
The warm-up period and block heaters are good suggestions, but shutting off any diesel at -65 degrees is NOT a good idea - all of these units run 24/7 about 9 months of the year. ....

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NH TC35D Engine life

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2003-12-28          72539

If you got 12,600 hours out of an engine, you got your moneys worth! -65 degrees is a "tad chilly" for shutting them down. I take it that you have no heated shelter to park them in during non use periods. What you might benefit from and possibly be able to extend the life of the engines is to try installing a oil bypass filter if you are not using them already. They are designed for just the use you are putting these tractors to. The bypass filter will cut down on oil change intervals and keep the oil much cleaner due to much finer filter media. (i.e. about 2 micron) During periods of non use do you let the engines set at idle or do you leave the rpms set up a little to prevent "wet stacking". What type of fuel are you using? #1 diesel or Jet fuel? What kind of engine and trans. oil are you using? (synthetic or conventional) I take it you have not had good luck with Belarus tractors? ;-)

How many tractors are you operating in your fleet? Unless you have a large number; it would seem that building an insulated, heated storage building to park the tractors in during periods of non-use might be cost effective and extend the time life (not hour life) of the tractors by at least 50% due to having that much down time. For the cost of one or two tractors you could build a real nice heated, insulated building. On the other hand, logistics may not allow for this and I am sure you have probably already considered this.

Another option you may want to consider is insulation heat wrap. This would help keep the engine at optimum operating temperature and reduce fuel costs a little as well as keep an more evenly distributed heat signature. ....

Link:   Fire Wrap for Mining Equipment

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NH TC35D Engine life

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Art White
Join Date: Jan 2000
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2003-12-28          72540

We have some salt mines not to far away and the tractors invloved with it are teh CASE-IH maxuums and the last I know they had exceeded 20,000 hours and not had to come out. They run the 3.9 cummins in those models with a turbo. My thoghts I'd be pulling the base at 10,000 hours and add new rod and main bearings it if the rest is still good. ....

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