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JD LT160

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2003-07-02          58745

Anyone have any input regarding the current JD LT160 42C", automatic, with a 7bu bagger? It'll be a major purchase for us. We did alot of homework and we want to hear info from ALL sides... Thanks

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JD LT160

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Posts: 4299 Southwest MiddleTennessee
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2003-09-16          64076

I cannot speak from personal experience but LTG Dick Cody (prior to the current Division Commander of the 101st Airborne Division Air Assault) had an LT 150 and he liked it. Kept his lawn looking good in his post housing area. He was a John Deere guy hard core. ....

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JD LT160

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Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 329 Mt. Airy, MD
TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster  View my Photos  Pics

2003-10-29          67491

I don't own one, but have worked on them(mainly spring services)There the smallest JD i would still call a JD tractor. The new 110 series, are the same tractor as the scotts and sabrea. Other wise know as the home depot specials. Have you thought about the freedom mulching deck, they acually work pretty good in high grass. The Lt 160 is build very good for the price. Its not a tank like the older JDs, but not a throw away tractor. It will last at least ten years if maintained, 15 if you keep it inside. I know the sabera are junk, had to reweld a frame and replace a motor on another (it only had 135 before the motor went) So stay away from those. ....

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