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Rear End Housing 1994 L 29 Plzs Read

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Dirk Neff!
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2002-09-18          42555

Would anyone out there have a rear endhousing for a 1994 L29 Kubota tractor part number 31361-21112 Please email me at drneff@columbus.rr.com I need one bad thanks!

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Rear End Housing 1994 L 29 Plzs Read

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Join Date: Jan 2000
Posts: 5116 Northern Nevada
TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster  View my Photos  Pics

2002-09-18          42567

I'm sorry to do this in your time of grief, but inquiring minds must know. Just how did you bust your as.... um, your rear end? Bad back hoe mount? ....

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