gtunney Photo Album and Profile

X585 with JD 45 FEL
X585 with JD 45 FEL

X585 with JD 45 FEL showing Ruegg 3pt hitch, Heavy Hitch Weight/drawbar, and HH toothbar

Our NH TC29D
Our NH TC29D

TC29D with FEL and backhoe

X585 blowing snow
X585 blowing snow

Working 8 inch snowfall with X585 and 47" blower

Working with forks
Working with forks

Using X585 to move a wishing well

gtunney Profile
Userid: gtunney

8 messages Posted

Joined: 07/2011
Located: Western Mass
Alpine and Nordic skiing, photography, military aviation, military history, science fiction & fantasy books, 1/32 & 1/24 scale slot cars, model railroading, working outdoors
John Deere X585, 54C deck, 14-bushel bagger w/ PowerFlow, Ruegg 3pt hitch, JD 45 FEL, Heavy Hitch Toothbar, Heavy Hitch Weight & Drawbar, JD 47" snowblower, JD 13 Steel cart, Ohio Steel 42" plug aerator

2004 New Holland TC29D - 7308 heavy duty 68" FEL, NH backhoe

Echo CS-600P and Echo CS-400 chainsaws
.5 acres lawn, 5.5 acres forest