MIFarmin Photo Album and Profile


JD 4310 with Prairie Dog backhoe


Me and the JD 4310 making a trail through the woods.

Prairie Dog Backhoe Frame
Prairie Dog Backhoe Frame

This is a Woods backhoe frame. It fits the Prairie Dog also.

Prairie Dog Backhoe with Woods Frame
Prairie Dog Backhoe with Woods Frame

New road to back of property
New road to back of property

I had a dozer take the trees out and rough grade. I will finish with my tractor.

JD 4310 with Prairie Dog
JD 4310 with Prairie Dog

I have to fix the seat so it will not interfere with the rear hoses.

MIFarmin Profile
Userid: MIFarmin

34 messages Posted

Joined: 03/2004
Located: Michigan
Deer hunting, Fishing, Improving the land, planting trees and cutting others down, Using my tractor for everything. Riding my Harley Davidson Touring bike. I go on a cross country trip every year.
JD4310, Prairie Dog backhoe, Snowplow blade, Tiller, Box blade, Post hole driller, Landscape rake, Brush cutter
30 acres of Farm, Woods and Wetland (2 seperate parcels)