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Located: Southern New Jersey
Learning about how anything works, that includes business, mechanical stuff, computers, etc. Being a hobby farmer is great, it gives you an opportunity to connect with the land and be completely dependent on yourself.
1997 JD970 with 440 loader and Woods 7500 Ground Buster backhoe, Ford 1953 Golden Jubiliee, IH 1954 Farmall Cultivator, 2 row planter, 3 disc harrows, 2 bottom plow and other small things (chainsaws, 2 riding mowers, sprayers, etc.)
One of the last working vegetable farms in surburban New Jersey. It is 20 acres, we grow vegetables and just starting with 550 christmas trees this spring. I also live down the road on 2.5 acres with a 200 foot driveway, the tractors really come in handy for removing the winter snow.
Joined: 2004-01-03 16:08:10