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Diesel 1 2 Auto and Truck Please advise

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2004-10-11          98076

Something wrong with that page, reply doesn't work.

Anyway-- My OPINION and what I have done with fuel for tractor, cars and truck (all Diesel) is to buy #2 most of the time. When Temps are below +30 Deg F, I get either winter blended #2 or 1/2 #1 and 1/2 #2. I do not use any addatives, never have, probably never will. I have 300K on my 86 VW, 175K on my Cummins Dodge, 60K on the VW TDI and 50 hrs (1 winter) on the Kubota.

I only jelled once in 15 years of diesel-only driving. It was my fault because I did not pay attension to what fuel I bought. Straight #2 in mid January (-30 deg F) in my Dodge/Cummins. Towed it home, put the shop light on the fuel filter, then topped the tank (1/4) with #1. Ran fine from there.

Where you live in NC, you will probably never have jelling problems with a good, fresh #2 fuel.

From my understanding #2 is same as red only #2 has road tax and red has dye.

#1 is higher refined with more addatives and a higher cetane (comparable to gas-octane) rating. #2 has more btu content so should give better efficiency and power, #1 is less prone to tempreture related problems.

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