rudedog Photo Album and Profile

Damage at bottom of 759c hoe boom

Damage to hoe boom w/ scale

Oil on shop floor on the morning after delivery. Large spot is about 12 inch . Tractor has 0.2 hrs on it since delivery.

Oil on shop floor morning after delivery. This is from the hardline leak on the 18LA loader

Rag tie wrapped to leaking hardline. Area of weld wet first.

Closeup of 18LA hardline where it is leaking. Right in the center of the photo, note the void in the weld. Th

On the morning after delivery, I found no hydraulic oil showing on the dipstick. I used a piece of coathanger wire

Packing list for missing 12 inch hoe bucket. Note Tarheel order date of 2/9/2005. (Sale date to me was 12/22/04)

Invoice for Oil. I am requesting reimbursement for $52.91. (I am not concerned about the sales tax.)

rudedog Profile
Userid: rudedog

20 messages Posted

Joined: 12/2004
Located: N. California
New Holland Boomer Tractors