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Located: SW Wisconsin
horses and trail riding, trap shooting and pheasant hunting with my 2 Vizslas, and motorcycling on my 2002 H-D FLHTCUI
New Holland TC29, 7308 NH loader with a 68" New Holland HD bucket, Allis Chalmers WD (1951) narrow front, 3pt 5ft woods dixie cutter rotary mower, 3pt fertilizer spreader, 3pt post hole drill, DR 10.5 hp field and brush mower and a DR 12 hp wood chipper, Stihl 029 farm boss.
7+ acres and I have 4 horses I also rent about 5 acres of pasture. Hope to buy some pasture but I want it close to home and that hasn't been working out so far.
Joined: 2004-01-01 23:16:42