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LA723 Seal Replacement

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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 3 Olympia, WA
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2006-03-31          126980

I think I just blew a seal on the top left cylinder. Is this a difficult repair? I consider myself to be mechanically inclined but a newbie to tractors and hydraulic cylinders. If someone can play teacher and save me a few bucks and the trouble of hauling everything to the dealer I'd be much obliged.

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LA723 Seal Replacement

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Art White
Join Date: Jan 2000
Posts: 6898 Waterville New York
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2006-04-01          126992

Why do you think you just blew a seal? ....

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LA723 Seal Replacement

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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 3 Olympia, WA
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2006-04-01          126996

I was pulling up a small sapling and suddenly had a considerable amount of hydraulic fluid running down the cylinder arm. Upon closer inspection, there is a small 1/8" section of the seal that looks to be inside out, ie protuding out the end. ....

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LA723 Seal Replacement

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Art White
Join Date: Jan 2000
Posts: 6898 Waterville New York
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2006-04-01          126999

It does sound like you seal is blown, often people worry over the o-rings Kubota buts on the cylinders so the paint doesn't cause a problem for the seal. With the oil running out it does tell me you do have a seal blown out and you will need to remove it and dismantle to change the seal. You will need to replace all the seals not just the outer seal for this to have happened. ....

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LA723 Seal Replacement

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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 3 Olympia, WA
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2006-04-01          127000

Is this pretty straight forward, or do I need special tools and such. Way I see it, I have 3 options... attempt repair myself, remove cylinder and take it to the experts, or take the tractor in to Kubota dealership. Any advice is appreciated? Again, I'm a newbie to tractors so don't really have a feel for repair costs yet. I also don't want to be penny wise and pound foolish. ....

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LA723 Seal Replacement

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Art White
Join Date: Jan 2000
Posts: 6898 Waterville New York
TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster  View my Photos  Pics

2006-04-01          127013

I'd let the dealer do it if under warrantee. ....

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LA723 Seal Replacement

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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 137 kentucky
TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster

2006-04-01          127020

take the cyl. off and take it to the dealer.can be done in 20 min at little cost. don't ask how I know. ....

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